React State Management Task Manager with Zustand Exercise

For this weeks practice you will Create a simple task manager where tasks are managed using Zustand.

Getting Started with the Project

Dependency Installation & Startup Development Server:

Once forked and cloned, navigate to the project's root directory and this project uses npm (Node Package Manager) to manage its dependencies.

The command below is a combination of installing dependencies, opening up the project on VS Code and it will run a development server on your terminal.

npm i && code . && npm run dev

Looking for some hints?

  1. Zustand Installation

    • Zustand isn't included in the boiler plate. You'll need to install it using npm install zustand.
  2. State Management with Zustand

    • When setting up your Zustand store, think of it as a global state container. It should hold all the tasks and provide functions to manipulate them. Follow the naming conventions when you create folders and files. Have a look at the boilerplate if you need guidance.
    • The create function from Zustand is your starting point. It accepts a setter function to help you define the state and its updater functions. Some code has been added for you to get you started!
  3. Implement the TodoList component

    • This is the component from which you will access the global state. Create a form that will allow you to add your task to the list. Display the added tasks in a list, the user should be able to delete and complete each task.
  4. Integrating Components

    • In your main App.jsx, integrate the TodoList component.
  5. Testing

    • Before pushing to GitHub, test your application thoroughly. Add tasks, remove them, and toggle the theme. Ensure everything works seamlessly.
  6. Committing and Pushing

    • Use git add . to stage your changes, followed by git commit -m "Your commit message here" to commit them.
    • Push your changes to the GitHub repository using git push origin main.