
Flask frontend for gyft

Website at

gyft is located at metakgp/gyft

This would download your timetable.ics file, import to Google Calendar by following this link.



Development & Deployment

Running Locally

Please follow the following steps to run the application locally.

NOTE: The instructions assumes that you are using a linux system (specifically Debian based distribution).

First Time Setup

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Change directory to the clone repository.
  3. Install Python3.7
  4. Install pipenv

Running In Virtual Environment

  1. Run pipenv shell (to create a virtual environment for the program)
  2. Run pipenv install --dev (to install all the dependencies)
  3. Run gunicorn app:app --log-file=- (to launch the application)

What To Do Every Sem?

We need to updates every semester.

This repository just serves as a frontend for original Gyft and is mostly maintained alongside updates to the original repository.

NOTE: The master branch is auto deployed on Heroku.