Bag-of-words Image Retrieval
Let's implement traditional way of image search system
Any contributions are welcome :)
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04
# OpenCV Contrib
pip install opencv-contrib-python
# Scikit for RANSAC
pip install scikit-image
# Datasketch for minHash
pip install datasketch -U
# Config Parser
pip install pyyaml
You need modified version of datasketch package. You can simply install from submodule added in this directory.
git clone --recursive <this repo>
cd datasketch
pip install -e .
cd pqkmeans
git submodule update --init --recursive # get pybind
pip install -e .
Download for python binding. build with cmake
# Install required packages
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev libgtest-dev
# Finish google test install following
cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
sudo make
# copy or symlink libgtest.a and libgtest_main.a to your /usr/lib folder
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib
# goto ./lib/flann-1.8.4
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
# Make sure it builds python binding.
>>> import pyflann
>>> # shows no error
Image Feature Generator Image Feature Descriptor
Generate Visual Words: Vector quantization with several methods
- flat k-means clustering: simple, but failed to scale
- approximate k-menas
- For nearest negihbor finding, we use randomized kd tree forest. We use FLANN( implementation
[ ] Enable CUDA support for FLANN during FLANN compilation.
cd .
python ./src/
Approximage nearest neighbor