This Docker image modified from lbwang/dailybox
, which is based on Debian stable includes several tools that work on MGI cluster. It includes:
- tmux
- less
- wget, curl, rsync
- git
- make
- cmake
- vim
- htop
- parallel
- ncdu
- zstd
- fish
- ripgrep
- fd
- exa
- miniconda3
The folder exa_0.9.0_musl
contains exa static binary (linux x84_64 musl):
git clone
docker run -v $PWD:/volume -w /volume -it --rm clux/muslrust bash
# Inside Docker
apt-get update
apt-get install cmake
make target/release/exa
mkdir release_linux_musl
install -m755 target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/exa release_linux_musl/
install -m644 contrib/ release_linux_musl/
install -m644 contrib/man/exa.1 release_linux_musl/