
CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell homework resources and solutions

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

CIS 194 homework assignment

Resources and solutions for the CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell course by Brent Yorgey.

Table of Contents


This monorepo contains two projects:

  • resources - Unmodified (functionally-speaking) copy of the resources available as part of the assignments. Check the haddock about the Provided module for more info
  • solutions - a collection of solutions for the homework assignments, done by yours truly. Take them with a grain of salt

Getting Started

You need stack to interact with the projects here. Check out how to install it on your OS of preference.


The resources project has an up-to-date material to solve the assignments. For instance the Size type is now an instance of Semigroup due to recent Haskell changes on the Monoid instance, which makes the original material fail to compile.

You can build everything with stack build or make build.

Both projects have documentation. You can build it with either stack haddock or make docs.

There's extensive tests, with over 90% of coverage. Use stack test or make test to run it all; there's also custom Make targets for testing a single project, such as make test-solutions and a make coverage to generate the HPC report.