
IMAP message filtering and actions for humans, in pure Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


IMAP message filtering and actions for humans, in pure Haskell

Table of Contents


A library that filters messages found using human-readable search queries that resemble Gmail operations. The command-line tool leverages that to act upon the search results.

The current version implements the expression interface for the [HaskellNet] SearchQuery type.

NOTE: This is a work-in-progress, use at your own risk! 😷

Getting Started

The project uses Stack, so you can clone and stack build to get it up and running locally.


Expressions can contain either literal terms to search as plain text and/or operators to configure specific criteria. The query language supports all RFC 9051 search keys, plus some Gmail-specific operators for compatibility. Here's a non-exhaustive list of criteria supported and how to use it:

Criteria Query
FROM/TO/CC/BCC from:foo@bar.com
DELETED/DRAFT/FLAGGED is:draft, -is:flagged (or is:unflagged)
ANSWERED/SEEN/NEW/OLD is:answered, -is:seen (or is:unseen)
KEYWORD keyword:foo
SUBJECT/BODY subject:lorem, subject:(lorem ipsum)
BEFORE/ON/SINCE before:2023/4/18
SENTBEFORE/-ON/-SINCE sent_before:2023/4/18
HEADER header:foo=bar
NOT -from:qux@bar.com
OR {from:foo@bar.com from:qux@bar.com}

Gmail-compatibility ones:

Criteria Query
SEEN/UNSEEN is:read, is:unread
LARGER size:10
SINCE after:2023/4/18, newer:2023/4/18
BEFORE older:2023/4/18

Check the examples folder in this repository for samples on how to use the expressions directly in code or with common libraries such as HaskellNet and imap.

inline queries

You can build library-independent queries directly in code using the SearchExpr class. For that, it's wise to import the module qualified, as some functions conflict with Prelude, such as or, all and not. For example:

import           System.IO.Unsafe    (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified System.Time         as ST
import qualified Network.IMAP.Search as Search (SearchExpr (..))

{-# NOINLINE now #-}
now :: ST.ClockTime
now = unsafePerformIO ST.getClockTime

1dago :: ST.ClockTime
1dago = ST.addToClockTime (ST.TimeDiff {ST.tdDay = -1}) now

read1dago :: SearchExpr a => [a]
read1dago = [ Search.seen
            , Search.before (ST.toCalendarTime 1dago)

You can then use read1dago with any library interface that takes a list of query operations, such as HaskellNet's search. You can also transform it to the generic Operation type provided, which you can transform to string or text for libraries that don't have proper typing for the IMAP search keys:

With HaskellNet

module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad      (forM_)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv)

import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP (fetchHeaderFields, login, search, select)

import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Connection (IMAPConnection)
import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Search     (parseSearchQuery)
import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.SSL        (connectIMAPSSL)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

main :: IO ()
main = do
  query <- either (error . show) id . parseSearchQuery . unwords <$> getArgs

  putStr "parsed query: "
  print query

  con <- connectWithEnv
  loginWithEnv con

  select con "INBOX"

  messages <- search con query
  putStrLn "results:"
  forM_ messages $ \m -> do
    headers <- fetchHeaderFields con m ["FROM", "TO", "SUBJECT"]
    BS.putStr headers

connectWithEnv :: IO IMAPConnection
connectWithEnv = getEnv "IMAP_SERVER" >>= connectIMAPSSL

loginWithEnv :: IMAPConnection -> IO ()
loginWithEnv conn = do
  username <- getEnv "IMAP_USERNAME"
  password <- getEnv "IMAP_PASSWORD"
  login conn username password

separatorLn :: IO ()
separatorLn = putStrLn $ replicate 80 '#'