This is a repo demonstrating applying observability principals to an eCommerce app.
In this hypothetical scenario, we've got a Spree website, that a team has started adding microservices to. In it's current state, the application is broken.
We'll take that broken application, instrument it with Datadog, and then deploy a fix. After deploying a fix, we'll look into Datadog to ensure our deploy worked, and that our systems are actually functioning properly.
This repository is used to build the Docker images to run the application in the different states. The folders that build each of the images are the following:
- The advertisement microservice with a couple of injected
- The advertisement microservice with the sleeps
- The advertisement microservice that will return 500 errors on the/ads
- The discounts microservice with an N+1 query and a couple of sleeps.discounts-service-fixed
- The discounts microservice with the N+1 query fixed and the sleeps
- The Spree application in a broken state and with no instrumentation. This is the initial
- The Spree application in a broken state but instrumented with Datadog APM. This is the second
- The Spree application instrumented with Datadog APM and fixed. This is the final scenario.traffic-replay
- Looping replay of live traffic to send requests tofrontend
(see Creating Example Traffic for details)
Feel free to follow along with the scenario, or to run the application locally.
Follow the specific guide for building the images
The deploy
folder contains the different tested ways in which this application can be deployed.
Real User Monitoring is enabled for the docker-compose-fixed-instrumented.yml
docker compose and the Kubernetes frontend.yaml
To enable it, you'll need to log into Datadog, navigate to RUM Applications, and create a new application.
Once created, you'll get a piece of Javascript with an applicationId
and a clientToken
Pass these environment variables to docker-compose:
Or uncomment the following lines in the frontend.yaml
if in Kubernetes, adding your applicationID
and your clientToken
# Enable RUM
# value: <your_client_token>
# value: <your_application_id>
After the site comes up, you should be able to navigate around, and then see your Real User Monitoring traffic show up.
The scenario uses GoReplay to spin up traffic our own (dysfunctional) stores, and then diagnose and fix them with replayed live traffic.
This way, we don't have to manually click around the site to see all the places where our site is broken.
Example traffic can be perpetually sent via the traffic-replay
container. To build and run it via Docker and connect it to your running cluster in docker-compose (by default the docker-compose_default network is created).
cd traffic-replay
docker build -t traffic-replay .
docker run -i -t --net=docker-compose_default --rm traffic-replay
By default this container will send traffic to the host http://frontend:3000
but can be customized via environment variables on the command line or in the below example via Docker Compose. This facilitates the use of load balancers or breaking apart the application.
We automatically build new traffic-replay containers on every release and you can spin up the traffic-replay container with your Docker Compose cluster by adding the config as an override via the example below.
POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/docker-compose-broken-instrumented.yml -f deploy/docker-compose/docker-compose-traffic-replay.yml up
Any of the other docker compose configurations can work with this traffic container just by adding another -f deploy/docker-compose/docker-compose-traffic-replay.yml
to the compose command.
Once we've spun up our site, and ship traffic with gor
, we can then view the health of the systems we've deployed. But first, let's see the structure of our services by visiting the Service Map.
Here, we can see we've got a store-frontend
service, that appears to connect to SQLite as its datastore. Downstream, we've got a discounts-service
, along with an advertisements-service
, both of which connect to the same PostgreSQL server.
With this architecture in mind, we can then head over to the Services page, and see where the errors might be coming from. Is it one of the new microservices?
Looking at the services list, we can sort by either latency, or errors. Looking at all our services, it appears only the store-frontend
has errors, with an error rate of ~5%.
By clicking on the store-frontend
, we can then drill further and see which endpoints are causing trouble. It seems like it's more than one:
We could click one level down and view one of the endpoints that's generating a trace. We can also head over to the Traces page, and sort by error traces:
With this, we've got a line number that appears to be generating our errors. Checking across multiple traces, we can see the same behavior. It looks like the new advertisement call was pushed to the wrong file.
Once we've applied the fix for the wrong file, we still see slow behavior. We can drill down into a service and see where the bottleneck is by sorting via latency on the Services Page:
There are a couple of sleeps in both the discounts service and the advertisments service.
Removing the lines that contains:
will fix the performance issue.
The code with the leftover sleeps lives in discounts-service
and ads-service
, and the fixed versions live in discounts-service-fixed
and ads-service-fixed
In the discounts-service
, there is an N+1 query:
The problem is a lazy lookup on a relational database.
By changing the line:
discounts = Discount.query.all()
To the following:
discounts = Discount.query.options(joinedload('*')).all()
We eager load the discount_type
relation on the discount
, and can grab all information without multiple trips to the database:
The N+1 query example lives in discounts-service/
, and the fixed version lives in discounts-service-fixed/
- Install
via NPM or Yarn globally on your local machine:
npm install -g @datadog/datadog-ci
yarn global add @datadog/datadog-ci
- Obtain the API and APP Key from the DD corpsite account:
- From the project root, run the following:
DD_API_KEY="<API_KEY>" DD_APP_KEY="<APP_KEY>" make synthetics-start
To add a new test:
- Generate a synthetics test via the DD app
- Grab the public ID of the test (found in the top left of the synthetic page or in the URL) and add it to