
Build base flask app depends on template.

Primary LanguagePython

Flask Board


Flask is a powerful and flexible web framework. Since it is so flexible, we have to "copy" some codes to start a new production project. Flask Board is aimed to start a flask project depends on some carefully prepared templates.


pip install flask-board

After installation, we can see flask board installed as a flask command plugin.

flask board --help


Create flask project depends on pre defined templates.

flask board your-project

Same as using the default template.

flask board your-project -t default

Available built-in templates

  • default: default flask web app
  • restful: flask restful API web app
  • celery: flask app with celery

Change the project directory

Change project directory by option -d, default use the current directory.

flask board your-project -d <path-to-directory>

Use your own project template

Use -t option point to the custom project directory.

flask board your-project -t <path-to-your-tempalte-directory>

We use jinja2 engine to render all files in the template directory.

We can also exclude files in the template directory (default excludes file patterns *.pyc, *.pyo, *.pyd, *.egg, *.log, *.so, *.zip, *.tar, *.tar.gz).

And exclude directories and all files under it (default excludes directories .git, __pycache__, *.egg-info, build, dist, .idea).

flask board your-project -t <path-to-your-template-directory> --excludes="*.pyc,*.log" excludes_dir=".git,__pycache__"