Biofilm models

This repository contains the different versions of the biofilm based models developed between Lund University and Technical University of Denmark. Different implementations are currently available

1. ADM1 PS implemented in a granular reactor

The Main developers are: Hannah Feldman, Xavier Flores-Alsina, Pedram Ramin, Kasper Kjellberg, Damien J Batstone, Ulf Jeppsson, Krist V. Gernaey. The model is described in the following paper:

Feldman H., Flores-Alsina X., Ramin P., Kjellberg K., Batstone D.J., Jeppsson U., Gernaey K.V. (2017) Multi-scale modelling of industrial anaerobic granular sludge reactor . Water Research, 126; 488-500.

This version of the model is adapated to be run in Matlab 2019b (or newer).


2. PN/ANX implemented in a granular reactor

The Main developers are: Xavier Flores-Alsina, Hannah Feldman, Vicente T. Monje, Pedram Ramin, Kasper Kjellberg, Damien J Batstone, Ulf Jeppsson, Krist V. Gernaey. The model is described in the following paper:

Flores-Alsina X., Feldman H., Monje V.T., Ramin P., Kjellberg K., Batstone D.J., Jeppsson U., Gernaey K.V. (2019). Evaluation of anaerobic digestion post-treatment options using an integrated model-based approach Water Research, 156, 264-276.

This version of the model is adapated to be run in Matlab 2019b (or newer).

