
Tutorials provided by the Group for Practical Computer Science

Primary LanguageCSS


Contents can be written in HTML and Markdown.

Build and serve tutorials locally

The tutorials are hosted using GitHub Pages. You can build and serve tutorials locally using Jekyll. Please see GitHub's help on how to use Jekyll with Pages.

As some URLs within the tutorials require the full hostname, you may encounter situations where you will not see local modifications, because the generated site still refers to a remote resource/a remote URL. For that reason we included a local configuration that adjusts the URLs used to your local site. Append --config _config.yml,_config_local.yml to your Jekyll command to override the remote URL setting. It is important that _config_local.yml is provided as the second comma separated parameter!

Create new tutorials

Create directory and content

To create tutorials for a new lecture, create a directory in lectures. As the directory name is being used for the URL and other configurations, you should choose an established abbreviation (i.e. eai for Enterprise Application Integration).

Each lecture has to have an index.md file that describes the lecture and also serves as a landing page for the respective lecture. The file has to start with the Liquid declaration of the lecture's full title and the document's layout (lecture will automatically generate table of contents/tutorials). The lecture's full title is used in the overview, the lecture's landing page, and at the top of each tutorial.

title: Enterprise Application Integration
layout: lecture

Description of the lecture in *Markdown syntax*

Each tutorial is contained in a single file that you can name at your convenience. Please note that tutorials within a lecture are sorted by their respective file names; therefore using numbers as prefixes allows you to control the order of appearance in the overview and table of contents (e.g. 010-introduction.md, 020-basics.md, etc). A tutorial's content file also has to start with a Liquid declaration for the tutorial's title and its layout. The title is used for the overview, the table of contents on the lecture's landing page, and as a heading for the specific tutorial.

title: Introduction to EAI
layout: recipe

Content of the tutorial, which could also be put into a html file.

Update configuration

To make a lecture's tutorials appear, you have to add information for lectures and contacts in _config.yml.

Writing a tutorial


Besides Markdown's syntax to include images (i.e. ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title")), we included a JavaScript based mechanism to provide more detailed captions for images. Whenever an image is the first element within a paragraph and it is immediately followed by some text, the text is assumed to be captioned and displayed accordingly.


Some text…

![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title")
This will be rendered as a caption.

This will not be part of the caption! This is a new paragraph.