Code implementation of the paper [Generative Retrieval with Large Language Models].

Primary LanguagePython

Generative Retrieval with Large Language Models

Code implementation of the paper Generative Retrieval with Large Language Models.


  • Install or clone the KILT repository.
  • Install SEAL.

Dataset Download

Download the validation sets of the following datasets from the KILT repository:

  • NQ
  • HotpotQA
  • TriviaQA
  • ELI5
  • WoW

Follow the instructions in the KILT repository for downloading the specific validation sets.

Generating Retrieval Documents

Step 1: Download the Official KILT Splits

Step 2: Reconstruct Documents from Segmented Paragraphs

  • Run the passage2doc.sh script:

Step 3: Build Index

  • Run the build_index.sh script:

Running Generative Retrieval

  • Execute the run.sh script to perform generative retrieval: