
Gem to perform currency conversion and arithmetics with different currencies

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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This gem will easily help you to perform currency conversion and arithmetics with different currencies.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'monefy'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Set your conversion rates on your Initialize file

Monefy.conversion_rates('EUR', {
  'USD'     => 1.11,
  'Bitcoin' => 0.0047
}) # => {"USD"=>1.11, "Bitcoin"=>0.0047, "EUR"=>1}

Create a new Monefy instance passing amount and currency as initializer parameters

fifty_eur = Monefy.new(50, 'EUR')
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=50.0, @currency="EUR">

Convert to another currencies

# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=55.5, @currency="USD">
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=0.24, @currency="Bitcoin">

Add and subtract with other Monefy instances with different currencies

fifty_eur + Monefy.new(20, 'USD')
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=68.02, @currency="EUR">
fifty_eur - Monefy.new(0.03, 'Bitcoin')
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=43.62, @currency="EUR">

Multiply and divide

fifty_eur / 2
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=25.0, @currency="EUR">
fifty_eur * 3
# => #<Monefy:0x... @amount=150.0, @currency="EUR">

Compare different currencies:

fifty_eur > Monefy.new(54.55, 'USD') # => true
Monefy.new(180, 'USD') < Monefy.new(0.73, 'Bitcoin') # => false
Monefy.new(54.55, 'USD') == Monefy.new(49.14, 'EUR') # => true
Monefy.new(35, 'USD') != Monefy.new(49.14, 'EUR') # => true


Instantiate class without setting conversion rates

Monefy.new(50, 'USD')
# => StandardError: No conversion rates set

# Solution
# Set your conversion rates on your Initialize file
Monefy.conversion_rates('EUR', {
  'USD'     => 1.11,
  'Bitcoin' => 0.0047
}) # => {"USD"=>1.11, "Bitcoin"=>0.0047, "EUR"=>1}

Instantiate class or call convert_to to method with invalid current

Monefy.new(50, 'INVALID-CURRENCY')
# => StandardError: "Invalid currency"

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR').convert_to('INVALID-CURRENCY')
# => StandardError: "Invalid currency"

Compare Monefy instance without another Monefy instance

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') == 50
# => StandardError: "Not a Monefy instance"

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') > "40.0 EUR"
# => StandardError: "Not a Monefy instance"

Adding or subtracting a Monefy instance without another Monefy instance

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') + 50
# => StandardError: "Not a Monefy instance"

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') - "40.0 EUR"
# => StandardError: "Not a Monefy instance"

Splitting or multiplying a Monefy instance without a Numeric

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') / Monefy.new(15, 'EUR')
# => StandardError: "Not a numeric"

Monefy.new(50, 'EUR') * "40.0 EUR"
# => StandardError: "Not a numeric"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/wwwbruno/monefy.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.