Apple Push Notification Service connector for Python ================================================================================ An APNS connector which just works. The following items are supported: - Extended APNS message (most Python APNS libraries only support basic format) - Expiry date on notifications - Custom data fields - Unicode messages - Error reporting - Automatic feedback handling The biggest differentiator between this connector and other libraries is that the programmer doesn't have to manage individual APNS connections or wrappers. This connector will reconnect to send notifications automatically, and maintain connections opportunistically for good performance. Depends on gevent and expects coroutine I/O style. * This library and its author are not affiliated with Apple Inc. Usage Example ================================================================================ This connector is expected to be used in a Python network service which uses gevent for I/O. For example, a gevent.pywsgi web server running Pylons. In this case the connector will open a few greenlets for sending push notifications and receiving replies from APNS servers. If you're testing the library from command line or from a stand-alone script, you'll need to make some way to let gevent switch to the library's greenlets during message send. The recommended way to do this is to call wait_send(): >>> from applepushnotification import * >>> service = NotificationService(certfile="<cert/key bundle in PEM format>") >>> service.start() >>> token = "<hex encoded device token from Apple>".decode("hex") >>> message = NotificationMessage(token, u"Hello World!") >>> service.send(message) >>> service.wait_send() >>> ... send a few more messages here ... >>> service.stop() # this implies a wait_send() as well Assume the PEM certificate and the device token are set correctly, and that you have the corresponding iOS app installed on the device, you should see a Hello World message within a few seconds. wait_send() is generally not needed when you're using the library in a gevent based network service. The reason being that your network service would normally spend time waiting for network activity, during which gevent's scheduler will switch to scheduled greenlets such that the connector can send messages out in the background. If you're not familiar with coroutine I/O and gevent, please refer to gevent's documentation at