Mezzio Example

mezzio-example is a starting point for PHP development projects. It is build upon mezzio configured to work with following components:

It will offer following features:

  • Backend
  • Admin
  • User registration
  • User login
  • User reset password
  • User authorization
  • User permissions
  • User plans
  • Synchronous message bus
  • Asynchronous message bus
  • Message queue & worker system
  • Asset management for application modules
  • I18n
  • Installer

Getting Started

composer install
vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate -n

This should get you started with a sqlite database (in data/database.sqlite) migrated to the latest version.


Application Tools

To enable development mode

Note: Do NOT run development mode on your production server!

composer development-enable

Note: Enabling development mode will also clear your configuration cache, to allow safely updating dependencies and ensuring any new configuration is picked up by your application.

To disable development mode

composer development-disable

Development mode status

composer development-status

Doctrine cli


Doctrine migrations


Generate di-aot-configuration

php bin/generate-di-cache.php

Configuration caching

Mezzio Example Development