
This is the repo for reproducing all modelling results in the paper: Strategic uses for ancillary bioenergy in a carbon-neutral and fossil-free 2050 European energy system

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

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Ancillary Bioenergy Version of Sector-coupled Euro-Calliope Pre-built Model

This model is primarily used for the scientific paper Wu, Fei, Adrian Muller, and Stefan Pfenninger. "Strategic uses for ancillary bioenergy in a carbon-neutral and fossil-free 2050 European energy system." Environmental Research Letters 18.1 (2023): 014019. 10.1088/1748-9326/aca9e1

AB-Euro-Calliope is the modified version of the sector-coupled Euro-Calliope national pre-built model DOI with additional ancillary bioenergy technologies, detailed feedstocks, and new overrides. This model version is used in the paper entitled Strategic uses for ancillary bioenergy in a carbon-neutral and fossil-free 2050 European energy system.


AB-Euro-Calliope is pre-packaged and ready to be loaded into Calliope. To configure the environment and run the model, you will need to do the following:

  1. Install the conda environment to be working with the correct version of Calliope (conda env create -f requirements.yml)

  2. Download all .csv files (for national timeseries data) from DOI, as they are too large for the git repo here.

  • Be careful about their relative directory (should be the same as in the Zenodo data repository when you move them here). I.e., Put annual_industry_energy_demand_2050.csv into ./2050; then put the rest of all .csv files into ./2050/model/national
  1. Use bio_run.py to launch a model run. An example of how to run our 2050 Reference scenario at 2-hour resolution for the default weather year 2018: python bio_run.py res_2h,industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities

You can use a different weather year by changing the reference to 2050/model/national/bio-model-2018.yaml inside bio_run.py.

All custom constraints beyond built-in Calliope 0.6.8 constraints are defined and built in the file run.py. create_input.py is a helper script. Both of these are called by bio_run.py.

See below for an overview of the combination of overrides used to build the scenarios presented in the paper.

After running bio_run.py, output files will be stored in a new folder called output_nc with the filename template out_{your_overrides}.nc. In the above example of running 2050 Reference, the file name will be out_res_2h,industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_msw_equals.nc.


These scenarios are defined in the model as combinations of overrides:

  • 2050 Reference: This is our refernce scenario for default settings without addtional infrastructure/utilisation constraints industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_msw_equals

  • BioDistribution: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_msw_equals,biofuel_supply_only_1

  • GasStorage: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_msw_equals,gas_storage

  • FullUtiAgr: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_agr_manure_msw_equals

  • FullUtiAll: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_all_equals

  • NoUti: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,no-bio-new

  • NoNuclear: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_msw_equals,no-nuclear

  • DedicatedBiomass: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacitiesbio_potential_org0_msw_equals,miscanthus

  • AllBECCS: industry_fuel,transport,heat,config_overrides,link_cap_dynamic,freeze-hydro-capacities,bio_potential_org0_all_equals,all_bio_for_ccs


  • industry_fuel: Includes all non-electrical industry demands distributed by region, and the necessary technologies to generate those fuels synthetically. This includes e.g. annual methanol requirements for the chemical industry.

  • transport: This ensures ICE and EV light and heavy vehicle technologies and annual demands are in the model. It also includes reference to constraints required to make smart-charging of EVs work (e.g. weekly demand requirements).

  • heat: This ensures that all heat provision technologies and hourly demands are in the model. Carriers added are heat (space heating and hot water) and cooking. Technologies added can be found in heat-techs.yaml.

  • config_overrides: This includes high-level simplifications, such as removal of technologies that are considered redundant (e.g. less interesting combined heat and power technologies).

  • res_12h: Sets the model with a 12h resolution. Can be omitted or can be one of res_2h, res_3h, res_6h, res_12h. The full hourly "eurospores" resolution model takes ~2 days to complete. The full hourly "national" resolution model takes less than a day.

  • gas_storage: Includes underground methane storage facilities, based on latest data on a national level. Can be omitted to remove the option of this technology.

  • link_cap_dynamic: Sets a limit on transmission line capacities. The limits are chosen subjectively based on current capacity, such that lines with smaller current capacities can proportionally increase much more (e.g. 100x) than larger lines (e.g. 2x). See national/links.yaml for other override options to apply here.

  • freeze-hydro-capacities: Sets hydro capacities to equal "today's" capacities. This seems more reasonable than setting current capacities as upper limits, as this causes the model to install no hydro.

Ancillary bioenergy potential data in 2050 (national level)


  • Note that this file is not needed for running AB-Euro-Calliope, but summarizes the 2050 potential of ancillary bioenergy per feedstock per country (i.e., as used in bio-potential-overrides.yaml with the same names of biomass feedstocks)
  • Column CountryCode: follows the three-letter ISO country code (ISO 3166-1)
  • Units: TWh


Author: Fei Wu, ETH Zürich and TU Delft, 20220609

Based on Sector-Coupled Euro-Calliope by Bryn Pickering, under a CC BY 4.0 license.


CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.