
Simple benchmarks of Dijkstra algorithm among C++, Go, Julia, Python, JavaScript, Rust and Kotlin

Primary LanguageC++


Simple benchmarks of Dijkstra algorithm among C++, Go, Julia, Python(+Cython +PyPy), JavaScript(Node), Rust, Dart and Kotlin.




This benchmark uses hyperfine. Follow the install instruction there.

For cpp and unregulated-cpp20 , submodules are contained. You need to

git submodule update --init --recursive

at first.

To plot the benchmark results, you need matplotlib module.

pip install numpy matplotlib

Language Environments

You need running environments for languages below:

  • Go : 1.18
  • Rust : 1.62
  • JavaScript : NodeJS 18
  • Kotlin : 1.7 + jdk >= 18
  • Julia : 1.7
  • Clang : 7 (or versions which support C++17)
  • GCC(g++) : 10 (or versions which support C++20)
  • Dart : 2.16.1
  • Python : 3.10, Cython 0.29, PyPy 3.9-7.3.9

I like using asdf to set up those environments, except Clang.

while read lang plugin dummy; do
  asdf plugin add $plugin
  (cd $lang; asdf install)
done <<EOT
go golang
python python
cython python
pypy python
kotlin java
kotlin kotlin
rust rust
julia julia
javascript nodejs
dart dart
asdf reshim

Road Network Data

you need to get the Tokyo's road network data from Urban Road Network Data .

mkdir data
curl -L https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/3663336 > data/tokyo.zip
pushd data
unzip tokyo.zip

How to run

for all languages


for specific language

./run.sh [cpp|go|rust|javascript|julia|kotlin|python|cython|pypy|dart|unregulated-cpp20]

for test setup - choose one implementation (ex.cpp) to make a 'correct' result.

mkdir out
./test.sh cpp
mv out/cpp.txt out/expected.txt

for test

./test.sh [cpp|go|rust|javascript|julia|kotlin|python|cython|pypy|dart|unregulated-cpp20]