
PyTorch implementation of paper "Space-time Neural Irradiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Video"

Primary LanguagePython


PyTorch implementation of paper "Space-time Neural Irradiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Video"

[Project Website] [Paper] [Video]


Install PyTorch 1.8 and other dependencies, type command line:

pip install -r requirements.txt


including camera poses and depth maps from CVD. Place the dataset under ./data/{DATASET} and save the config file as ./configs/{DATASET}.yaml. Download the data for a video presented in our paper (e.g. replace {DATASET} with cat):

bash datasets/download_datasets.sh {DATASET}

This includes the video frames, camera poses and depth maps, and will be saved to ./datasets/{DATASET}


To train video NeRF on different datasets:

python run_nerf.py --config configs/{DATASET}.yaml

For example, raplace {DATASET} with cat_1, create a config file based on the example ./configs/example.yaml, give a unique expname and specify a base directory where logs are stored. You can also start multi-GPU training by adding --num_gpus.

Training takes 24-48 hours using 2 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. Start tensorboard and visualize the training at http://localhost:6006/:

tensorboard --logdir ./logs

To test and render video NeRF on different datasets:

python run_nerf.py --config configs/{DATASET}.yaml --render_only

The results will rendered in spiral motion using a camera trajectory from ./data/{DATASET}/render_pose.txt, then it will be saved in logs/{expname} folder as default.

Pre-trained Models

Download the pre-trained models:

bash datasets/download_pretrained_models.sh {DATASET}

Place the downloaded models in ./logs/{expname}/{checkpoint}.tar in order to load it.

Custom Video

If you want to run on your own video, follow these steps:

  1. Extract frames from your video and save them in my_video/color_full
mkdir ./data/my_video && cd ./datasets/my_video 
mkdir color_full && ffmpeg -i video.mp4 rgb/%06d.png
  1. Run COLMAP to compute poses and save them to my_video/input_pose.txt
  2. Compute depth maps from CVD or other monocular video depth estimation method. Then save it to my_video/depth
  3. Prepare a config file and save it to configs/my_video.yaml


This work is licensed under MIT License. The code is based on implementation of NeRF.


If you find the code/models helpful, please consider to cite:

  title={Space-time neural irradiance fields for free-viewpoint video},
  author={Xian, Wenqi and Huang, Jia-Bin and Kopf, Johannes and Kim, Changil},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},