Customer Education Services
SystemVerilog Testbench
Lab Notes Rev 2016.06
Last Update: 2016-08-01

These Instructions are intended to help you with the installation of 
the tools needed to successfully run the labs, and with the installation 
of the lab database itself.


1. Software installation
2. Lab database installation
3. Lab database configuration and testing

1. Software installation

This workshop needs the following tool(s) to be installed:

- VCS  L-2016.06
- VERDI Verdi3_L-2016.06

To download the required software release, you have to access
the Solvnet Release Library:

1. Navigate your browser to

2. Log in using your solvnet id and password
   If you are not registered, follow the directions on this 
   page to sign up for solvnet

3. Select "Release Library" under the heading "Software and Installation"

4. Use the drop-down menus to select the correct software

5. Follow the instructions to download and install the software on 
   your workstation

2. Lab database Installation

Execute the following command to unpack the archive:

        unix$  gtar xzf ces_svtb_2016.06.tar.gz

Note:  Archives were created using GNU tar.

Multiple account installation:
Since the lab directory structure may contain symbolic links that 
should be preserved instead of being expanded, it is strongly 
recommended that you untar the file directly into each account.
Repeat the following for every user account:

unix$ cd /path/to/user/account1
unix$ gtar xzf /path/to/ces_svtb_2016.06.tar.gz

3. Lab database configuration and testing


To verify the functionality of the lab files, it is recommended that
you run the supplied test script (the current directory has to be
the "ces_svtb_2015.09" directory):

        unix$  ./.testscript

This will run a series of tests to verify that all files exist, and that
the tool can be invoked.

If everything is ok, you should see output similar to:

 Running the Synopsys Workshop Installation Test Script
       Course Name:    SVTB
       VCS Version:    2016.06
       Verdi Version:  Verdi3_L-2016.06
       Last Update:    2016-08-01

 Running  Test 1 - installation integrity check
 Running  Tests 2a,b,c - availability of VCS executables
 Running  Test 2d - availability of verdi executables
 Running  Test 3a - vcs invocation test
 Running  Test 3b - verdi invocation test
 Running  Test 4 - vcs SystemVerilog simulation test
 Skipping Test 5 - GUI (dve)

 Installation Test PASSED for SVTB Course


By default, the GUI (dve) test is skipped.
To include the GUI test, edit the file ".testscript" and change the
variable $test_vcs_gui to "1" at the top of the file. 
Rerun the test after that.
Make sure that you have the DISPLAY environment variable set
correctly, otherwise the test will fail.