
windows version netcat support sha1 for file transfer checking and multithread

Primary LanguageC++

my version of netcat, not unix version port. this means some anti virus program will not block it.



wc [-lkszrwechvmT] [host] [port]

l             Listen for incoming connections. It is an error to
              use this option with a host specified.

k             Keep listening. Forces wc to stay listening 
              for another connection after its current
              connection is completed. It is an error to use
              this option without -l.

s             Specify host(s) on the network to send ICMP echo
              requests. The default timeout is 900 milliseconds.
              e.g.    wc -s

z             Specify port(s) on the host to scan for listening
              daemons using the connect() call. The default
              timeout is 750 milliseconds.
              e.g.    wc -z localhost 1-200

r             Do a reverse DNS lookup with ICMP echo requests. 
              e.g.    wc -sr

w timeout     The timeout in milliseconds for pings and connect
              e.g.    wc -zw 100 localhost 1000-2000

e filename    Specify filename to execute after connect
              (use with caution). See -c for enhanced
              functionality. It is an error to use this
              option with -c, -s, or -z.
              e.g.    host A (>  wc -lk -e "cmd" 8118
                      host B (>  wc 8118

c command     Specify commands to pass to "cmd /c" for
              execution. It is an error to use this option
              with -e, -s, or -z.
              e.g.    host A (>  wc -l -c "dir" 8118
                      host B (>  wc 8118

h             Print this help page.

v             Print version.

host          Can be a numerical address or a symbolic
              hostname. If the -s option is specified, CIDR
              notation (IPv4 only) can be used to specify a
              range of hosts.

port          Port must be single integer. If the -z option
              is specified, a range of ports can be used instead.

Building on Windows

Microsoft's Visual C++ Build Tools (vcvarsall/cl/nmake) are assumed to be installed and added to PATH.

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to the WinCat directory.
  2. Type vcvarsall x86 to load the windows development environment.
  3. Type nmake.