Primary LanguagePython


(1) Python >= 3.7.9, in addition to the standard packages in anaconda3, and the following packages are required:

  • biopython
  • bs4
  • openpyxl
  • xlrd == 1.2.0

(2) Matlab

(3) grep >= 3.1


git clone https://github.com/wxli0/MLDSP.git

git clone https://github.com/wxli0/MT-MAG.git

Modify the paths in MT-MAG/config.py if MT-MAG and/or MLDSP are not cloned in the root directory.


The Tasks that we present in the paper are:

  • Task 1 (sparse): The dataset for Task 1 was specifically chosen so as to allow a direct comparison between the quantitative performance of MT-MAG and that of DeepMicrobes. The genomes that the training sets for Task 1 were based on comprise only 2.4 % of the GTDB at the Species level. The training set was prepared using 2,505 representative genomes of human gut microbial species, and the test set was prepared using 3,269 high-quality MAGs reconstructed from human gut microbiomes from a European Nucleotide Archive study titled ``A new genomic blueprint of the human gut microbiota''.

  • Task 2 (dense): The training sets used in Task 2 were based on genomes comprising 7.7% of GTDB taxonomy. The training set was prepared using GTDB R06-RS202. The test set was prepared using 913 full microbial genomes from metagenomic 201 sequencing of cow rumen, which were derived from 43 Scottish cattle

Data preparation for Task 1 (sparse) and Task 2 (dense)

If you want to prepare data explictly, not using the pipeline in the following section, use the following commands

cd MLDSP/data/preprocess

  • Task 1 (sparse): python3 select_sample_cluster.py non-clade-exclusion-r202/GTDB_small.json

  • Task 2 (dense): python3 select_sample_cluster.py non-clade-exclusion-r202/[all json files for Task 2]

Or you can download datasets directly at MT-MAG-data

Note that the dataset for Task 2 (dense) is too large to be stored in one zip, after unzipping order_family_genus_rumen.zip and root_domain_phylum_class.zip, you need to put them into one folder, as the unzipped folder for Task 1 (sparse).

MT-MAG commands to run existing tasks


screen -S new

In a json file in task_metadata/, five mandatory attributes and two optional attributes are specified:

  • ranks: List[str]. Mandatory. All ranks with increasing classification depth in the taxonomy.

  • data_type: str. Mandatory. Name of the task. Results per rank will be stored in outputs-data_type/*. Final results will be stored in data_type-full-prediction-path.csv

  • suffix: str. Optional (default empty string). Suffix of the names of training sets folder.

  • base_path: str. Mandatory. The path to the training and testing dataset directories. Training datasets are stored within base_path. Test datasets are stored within a subfolder (see next attribute test_dir) inside base_path. You are likely to modify this attribute in your json file.

  • test_dir: str. Mandatory. The Name of the test datasets folder within base_path. That is, test genomes are stored in base_path/test_dir.

  • root_taxon: str. Mandatory. Root taxon of the task. We assume test genomes are stored in base_path/test_dir/root_taxon. e.g. d__Bacteria for Task 1, root for Task 2

  • partial: bool. Optional (default False). Enables partial classification or not.

  • variability: float. Optional (default 0.2). Variability bewteen the training dataset and test dataset.

  • accepted_CA: float. Optional (default 0.9). Accepted constrained accuracy when deciding stopping thresholds.

To run a small example

  • python exec_entire_process.py task_metadata/Archaea.json

The test dataset is at d__Archaea.zip. You need to download, unzip this file, and put it into base_path/test_dir/d__Archaea.

To run Task 1 : simulated/sparse

  • python exec_entire_process.py task_metadata/HGR-r202.json

To run Task 2: real/dense dataset

  • python exec_entire_process.py task_metadata/GTDB-r202.json

After "python exec_entire_process.py" command, "bash phase.sh -s …" will be running in another screen session. For example, for Task 1 (sparse), the first classification is the root taxon (root_taxon) to Phylum level classification. When it finishes, it will trigger Phylum-to-Class level classifications, followed by Class-to-Order, Order-to-Family, Family-to-Genus, Genus-to-Species level classifications. The program terminates when missing_ranks is empty. In the meantime, you should monitor if any screen session run into memory issues. The basic commands to check screen sessions are:

(1) To find the screen session ID: screen -ls

(2) Attach to the screen: screen -d -r [screen ID]