
Wondering why changing Pause and Play Icons wont affect application

Closed this issue · 22 comments

This first image is what I want the icons to be, and the second is my change not affecting anything...


Thank you for making your first issue! :)

Those should be in a diff folder and not included in the executable, oops... but if you want to change the play/pause icons, it is done on Discord's side. You have to create your own Discord application (https://discord.com/developers/applications) and then upload the icons in the Rich Presence → Art Assets section, naming them play and pause respectively.

Then, get the client ID from your Discord application and change it in config.toml like shown here: https://github.com/wxllow/applemusicrp/wiki/Configuration#client-id

Oh awesome, thank you. Would this only appear on my end?

No, it will appear for anyone viewing your status

Okay thank you. When doing the application, am I recreating your whole Rich Presence? Or am I just implementing the play and pause button?

I might just be an idiot... but it isn't seeming to work. What am I doing wrong exactly? Thank you for your patience.


sbgu commented

thank you for the speedy replay, but unfortunately, it didn't work. I think it's a little too easy just to be able to name them play and pause in order for them to overwrite the defaults lol... what do you think?

sbgu commented

I just tried that and yes. Do you think it's worth a shot to uninstall the App, delete the folders, and restart from square one?

sbgu commented

Yes that was what I was editing sadly. I had multiple versions of the program downloaded so I'm hoping a wipe will do the job. Which should I download just so I get it right this time?

sbgu commented

Alrighty I just did that. Now what?

sbgu commented

Alright just did that

Now should I close the app (also what is the correct way to close it), and paste my rich presence in?

sbgu commented

Okay. If this does not work can we take a look at my Rich Presence?

Luckily for you we wont have to do that :)

It's just the way I wanted it to be

Thank you so much for your patience and guidance!

sbgu commented