
D No entrypoint found for chunks/popup-D05Myka8.js, leaving in chunks directory

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

For some reason, it spits this warning



Steps to reproduce

wxt build --debug

System Info

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.19045
    CPU: (20) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6950X CPU @ 3.00GHz
    Memory: 35.43 GB / 63.91 GB
    Node: 20.14.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 10.7.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    pnpm: 9.14.2 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm.CMD
    Edge: Chromium (127.0.2651.74)
    Internet Explorer: 11.0.19041.4355

Used Package Manager



I believe this results in a massive chunk for the popup.js that weighs over 4 MB, which the Firefox store does not accept

Interesting... I believe that log means there wasn't a file that imports that chunk...


Gets logged when moving the HTML files to their final file location in the output directory.

What does wxt build --analyze say is the biggest dependency?

What does wxt build --analyze say is the biggest dependency?

"C:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm.cmd" run analyze

> youtube-auto-hd@1.10.0 analyze C:\repositories\extensions\youtube-auto-hd
> wxt build --analyze

WXT 0.19.16                                                                                                                                                                                                            4:19:02 PM
i Building chrome-mv3 for production with Vite 5.4.11                                                                                                                                                                  4:19:07 PM
/ [4/5] popup
(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking: https://rollupjs.org/configuration-options/#output-manualchunks
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
√ Built extension in 5.847 s                                                                                                                                                                                           4:19:13 PM  
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\manifest.json                   1.22 kB  
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\popup.html                      524 B    
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\background.js                   189.65 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\chunks\popup-CH08RxKn.js        4.63 MB  
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\content-scripts\desktop.js      217.31 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\content-scripts\donation.js     491.12 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\content-scripts\resize.js       194.98 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\assets\popup-DJqDcVn3.css       11.03 kB 
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\content-scripts\donation.css    909 B    
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\af\messages.json       920 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\am\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ar\messages.json       570 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\be\messages.json       1.5 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\bg\messages.json       142 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\bn\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\bs\messages.json       819 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ca\messages.json       316 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\cs\messages.json       188 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\da\messages.json       718 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\de\messages.json       782 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\el\messages.json       160 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\en_GB\messages.json    102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\en_US\messages.json    102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\en\messages.json       987 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\es_419\messages.json   110 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\es\messages.json       675 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\et\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\fa\messages.json       556 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\fi\messages.json       258 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\fil\messages.json      144 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\fr_CA\messages.json    112 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\fr\messages.json       1.17 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\gl\messages.json       887 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\gu\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\he\messages.json       1.34 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\hi\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\hr\messages.json       612 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\hu\messages.json       1.03 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\id\messages.json       632 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\it\messages.json       1.06 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\iw\messages.json       1.34 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ja\messages.json       832 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ka\messages.json       70 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\km\messages.json       409 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\kn\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ko\messages.json       582 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\lt\messages.json       142 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\lv\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\mk\messages.json       42 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ml\messages.json       174 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\mr\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ms\messages.json       632 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\my\messages.json       58 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\nb\messages.json       719 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\nl\messages.json       920 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\nn\messages.json       719 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\no\messages.json       719 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\pl\messages.json       1.04 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\pt_BR\messages.json    907 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\pt_PT\messages.json    887 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\pt\messages.json       887 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ro\messages.json       144 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ru\messages.json       1.48 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sk\messages.json       102 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sl\messages.json       141 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sr_Latn\messages.json  614 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sr\messages.json       878 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sv\messages.json       140 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\sw\messages.json       141 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\ta\messages.json       155 B    
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\te\messages.json       165 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\th\messages.json       152 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\tl\messages.json       44 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\tr\messages.json       960 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\uk\messages.json       854 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\vi\messages.json       682 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\zh_CN\messages.json    880 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\zh_TW\messages.json    879 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\_locales\zh\messages.json       879 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-128.png                    5.57 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-16.png                     498 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-32.png                     993 B
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-48.png                     1.96 kB
  ├─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-64.png                     1.93 kB
  └─ build\chrome-mv3-production\icon-off.png                    4.13 kB
Σ Total size: 5.79 MB
i Analysis complete:                                                                                                                                                                                                   4:19:13 PM  
  └─ stats.html
√ Finished in 10.9 s                                                                                                                                                                                                   4:19:13 PM  

Process finished with exit code 0

Open the stats.html file in your browser

Interesting, so the bundle analyzer shows 278 KB, not 4.63 MB.

Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 9 29 48 AM

The difference appears to be source maps, very clear if you open up the build/chrome-mv3-production/chunks/popup-CH08RxKn.js file, 99% of the file is an inline sourcemap. And yeah, you've got them enabled:


Disabling them or setting it to true fixes the issue. Not familiar with Svelte, but I think that sourcemap is abnormally large. Not related to WXT though, so I'm gonna close this issue.

Edit, I guess I'm wrong about the sourcemap being abnormally large? A sourcemap being 17x the size of the bundled code seems pretty normal, according to claude.ai at least.

I have a JS chunk being built by Vite. it's 278kb large, but if I enable inline source maps, the file is 4.8MB. Is a inline sourcemap usually that large?

That ratio between the minified code and source map size (roughly 17x larger) is actually quite normal for modern JavaScript applications. Source maps contain a lot of information:

The original source code in its unminified form

  • Mapping data for every single generated line/character back to its source position
  • All original variable names before minification
  • Module names and paths
  • Additional metadata

The size increase is especially noticeable with:

  • Code using modern JS features that get transpiled
  • Code using frameworks/libraries with complex build transformations
  • Applications with many modules/dependencies

If the source map size is a concern, you have several options:

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    // Option 1: Generate external source maps instead of inline
    sourcemap: true, // instead of 'inline'
    // Option 2: Generate source maps only for production builds
    sourcemap: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
    // Option 3: Disable source maps completely
    sourcemap: false

For production, you might want to generate external source maps and upload them to your error tracking service (like Sentry) rather than serving them to users. This gives you debugging capability without increasing the bundle size for end users.