Pinned issues
- 2
- 3
Can not build when using PandaCSS
#1227 opened by YogiLiu - 1
- 7
@wxt/unocss usage in content scripts
#1125 opened by mklueh - 1
Support `sidePanel` in `browser` on type level
#1256 opened by paolostyle - 5
Content scripts are not run in dev mode until they are changed in Chrome
#1252 opened by renataogarcia - 7
Port changes when am restarting dev server
#1239 opened by aklinker1 - 4
type error with ctx.addEventListener(document, "visibilitychange", activityDetected);
#1246 opened by remusris - 5
Allow enabling `dev.reloadCommand` when more than 4 shortcut keys are registered
#1202 opened by aiktb - 3
- 4
Config make rebuilding background faster
#1130 opened by ducan-ne - 3
content-script support allOpeners option
#1143 opened by molvqingtai - 6
Firefox ZIP command not working
#1224 opened by joneslloyd - 4
Vite 6: Explore possible improvements
#1214 opened by aklinker1 - 2
- 1
Integrated UI does not remove appended child elements
#1218 opened by 1natsu172 - 10
- 7
public should be relative to the rootDir instead of srcDir
#1209 opened by 2wheeh - 1
- 7
D No entrypoint found for chunks/popup-D05Myka8.js, leaving in chunks directory
#1203 opened by avi12 - 2
Apply CSS reset inside shadow roots
#1195 opened by aklinker1 - 4
`wxt/storage` doesn't work for MV2
#1199 opened by aklinker1 - 8
Upgrading to 0.19.14 breaks listener- and supabase-types.
#1196 opened by Wizzel1 - 4
Bun + Chrome 131 Persist User Data Not Working
#1189 opened by kmanev073 - 1
How to add args for open chrome window
#1186 opened by Mistsink - 2
@types/webextension-polyfill breaks firefox mv3 builds
#1185 opened by maxtheaxe - 2
Opening options page from action button is not showing desired options page url.
#1170 opened by nishu-murmu - 4
The `options_page` field in the wxt configuration is not working as expected.
#1162 opened by kayanouriko - 1
injectScript cannot inject main world content script
#1158 opened by rxliuli - 1
- 3
Auto icons are grayscaled
#1152 opened by Nantris - 4
Allow reaching outside of package directory for assets
#1151 opened by Nantris - 4
React Devtool doesn't show on popup/html
#1144 opened by ducan-ne - 1
[Analytics] Modifying a background script in dev mode causes the `#analytics` alias to be lost in `.wxt/tsconfig.json`
#1128 opened by maxarias-io - 4
Build issue: ERROR Browser.runtime.onConnect.addListener not implemented. 10:06:24
#1122 opened by thomasf1 - 0
- 4
Cannot load iframed sandbox
#1111 opened by avi12 - 1
Running tests using Bun fails
#1150 opened by kelvinkipruto - 3
Nested unlisted pages?
#1188 opened by Bartek532 - 0
[modules] Add HTML support to `addEntrypoint`
#1190 opened by aklinker1 - 4
- 6
Storage Item Serialization and Validation
#1173 opened by aklinker1 - 5
Submit fails both stores
#1124 opened by consciousweb - 4
'stopOldScripts' event is sent multiple times.
#1155 opened by nonovv - 1
theme_icons support in WXT or @wxt-dev/auto-icons
#1120 opened by kepi - 2
Dev server for Firefox MV3
#1131 opened by avi12 - 1
`pnpm dlx wxt` throws error resolving `@wxt-dev/module-svelte` but other package managers don't
#1160 opened by 42willow - 1
CreatiShadowRootUi tailwindcss application encountered issues on hover card component
#1154 opened by viz1997 - 1
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