A library of Sphinx extensions for documenting Cylc projects.
Install all extensions (but not dependencies):
$ pip install cylc-sphinx-extensions
OR all extensions + dependencies for specified extension(s) by name:
$ pip install cylc-sphinx-extensions.git[cylc_lang]
OR all extensions + dependencies for all extensions:
$ pip install cylc-sphinx-extensions.git[all]
Note the minicylc
extension requires graphviz
# install graphviz from your package manager e.g:
$ sudo apt-get install -y graphviz
To use an extension register it in your project's conf.py
extension = [
Some of these extensions are "auto-loading" and do not require any extra steps to activate.
If the html_static_path
configuration is set in your conf.py
you will need to move this into a setup
function, otherwise extensions cannot append to this path to add their own static resources e.g:
def setup(app):
Fork and clone https://github.com/cylc/cylc-sphinx-extensions.git
Extensions are auto-documented from their module docstrings.
Build documentation by running:
$ make clean <format> # e.g. make html slides
This documentation build serves as a simple test battery (warnings will cause it to fail), for everything else there's pytest:
$ pytest
For code linting:
$ pycodestyle . # python
$ eslint cylc/ # javascript