CS3219 OTOT Task A2 is split into 3 parts. A3 is split into 2 parts.
First, clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:CS3219-AY2223S1/OTOT-A2-A3.git cs3219_otot_taska2_3
cd cs3219_otot_taska2_3
This assignment has three parts:
- A2.1 Deploy a local k8s cluster
- A2.2 Deploy your A1 Docker image as Deployment in A2.1 cluster
- A2.3 Deploy Ingress to expose A2.2 Deployment to your localhost
Follow the guide in demo/a2/ to complete the tasks. Place your manifests in k8s/manifests/ and commands used in k8s/a2_setup.sh.
This assignment has two parts:
- A3.1 Deploy HorizontalPodAutoscaler that makes A2.2 Deployments scale up under load.
- A3.2 Modify your A2.2 Deployment to be distributed equally in each zone
Follow the guide in demo/a3/ to complete the tasks. Place your manifests in k8s/manifests/ and commands used in k8s/a3_setup.sh.