Primary LanguageOCaml

Artifact for the ECOOP 2017 paper "EVF: An Extensible and Expressive Visitor Framework for Programming Language Reuse"


  • JDK (1.8 or later)
  • Eclipse (4.5.1 or later)
  • Git

Additional requirement for running the script

  • Ruby (2.0.0 or later)
  • cloc (1.62 or later)


  • Open Eclipse

  • Click File -> Import -> Git - Projects from Git -> Clone URI -> Next

Three Eclipse projects will be imported, which are:

  • VisitProcessor contains the implementation of an annotation processor;
  • tapl contains the case study on “Types and Programming Languages”;
  • benchmark contains the micro-benchmark.

If you see a folder generated under the folder tapl that contains the generated code, you have successfully imported the projects.

If not, please follow the steps below to manually configure annotation processing in Eclipse:

  1. Open Properties -> Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing
  • tick "Enable project specific settings"
  • tick "Enable annotation processing"
  • tick "Enable processing in editor"
  • change the default name of "Generated source directory" to generated
  1. Open Properties -> Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path
  • tick "Enable project specific settings"
  • tick "Add JARs...", select VisitProcessor and choose visitprocessor.jar.
  • apply the changes

An Example

To have a rough idea of the functionality of the framework, we are going to model a tiny expression language that supports only literals and additions (full code can be found in benchmark/evf/Example.java).

Create a file called Alg.java inside some package and paste the following code to that file:

import annotation.Visitor;

@Visitor interface Alg<Exp> {
  Exp Lit(int n);
  Exp Add(Exp e1, Exp e2);

which is an Object Algebra interface that describes the language annotated with @Visitor. By saving the file in Eclipse, you will see some new files generated under the generated directory. These files are code for AST and traversal templates associated to Alg.

We will use the generated code for implementing the semantics of this language next.

For example, the evaluator for the language looks like this:

interface Eval<E> extends GAlg<E, Integer> {
  default Integer Lit(int n) {
    return n;
  default Integer Add(E e1, E e2) {
    return visitE(e1) + visitE(e2);

where GAlg is the generated modular external visitor interface. You can directly the generated code without import statements as it is of the same package.

Another example that illustrates how to use the traversal template to eliminate boilerplate is as follows:

interface Double<E> extends AlgTransform<E> {
  default Exp Lit(int n) {
    return alg().Lit(n*2);

Double doubles every literal in an expression. The transformation template AlgTransform covers the Add case, which recursively calls Double on two sub-expressions and then forms a new addition.

To instantiate Eval and Double as classes, we define:

class EvalImpl implements Eval<CE>, AlgVisitor<Integer> {}
class DoubleImpl implements Double<CE>, AlgVisitor<CE> {
  public Alg<CE> alg() {
    return new AlgFactory();

We instantiate the type parameter using the generated AST type CExp and mixin in an AlgVisitor for giving an implementation of visitExp. For Double, we additionally need the generated factory class for fulfilling the dependency.

Here is some client code illustrating how to use what we have defined:

AlgFactory f = new AlgFactory();
CE e = f.Add(f.Lit(1), f.Lit(2));
EvalImpl eval = new EvalImpl();
DoubleImpl dbl = new DoubleImpl();
System.out.println(eval.visitE(e)); // 3
System.out.println(eval.visitE(dbl.visitE(e))); // 6

We use the generated factory to construct an expression 1+2. Then we evaluate the expression which returns 3. By calling dbl on the expression, we transform it to be 2+4 and the evaluation is therefore 6.

For more examples, please have a look on the paper and files under tapl such as arith and its test file TestArith.java.

Case Study

Run ruby casestudy.rb to collect SLOC statistics (Table 1 & 2)


Run Benchmark.java under the project benchmark for measuring the performance (Table 3)