Capacitor and Next.js

Given a Next.js app, compile it into a mobile app using the Capacitor toolchain.

Build details

  • We use a custom webpack config to build a single-page-app and index.html file because we can't use Next.js's build process (i.e. next build and next export) because it doesn't work with SSP (server-side-props i.e. getServerSideProps).
  • The frontend code calls a hardcoded "deployment" (aka version) of the Next.js server, e.g. https://$project_id-$deployment_id-$, so updating the backend code on the primary server doesn't break the mobile app code in a backwards imcompatible way.
  • <filename>.mobile.js files have priority and will be loaded instead of <filename>.js files

Mobile app development

Environment setup:

In separate terminals, run the Next.js dev server (for serving api requests) and the mobile app dev server (for serving static assets):

# Next.js
yarn dev

# Mobile app assets
yarn mobile:dev

Then, run yarn mobile:android-dev or yarn mobile:ios-dev to open Android Studio or XCode respectively. From their, launch an emulator or physical device and your app should show up!

NOTE: You can edit your app's source code and the device should hot-reload automatically.

Installing Capacitor plugins

You can view the available plugins and their installation instructions here: