Tely - demo of a Next.js/react-native app

A truly cross-platform app. Build UI screens, components, logic, and even backend logic that can be shared across Next.js and react-native.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run yarn in the root directory
    • web: Run the web dev server (Next.js): yarn web
    • native: Run the native app dev server (Expo): yarn native
      • This will prompt you to connect a device or emulator, but Expo will walk you through this.
      • In another terminal, run yarn web. This will be our API server. For your device/emulator to connect to this local server, you must do one of the following:
        • connect your computer and mobile device to the same wifi network. modify the LOCAL_IP variable to match your computer's local network ipv4 address
        • use ngrok, and set API_BASEPATH to the origin given by ngrok

Project Structure

This monorepo contains 2 types of apps: web (Next.js) and native (Expo/react-native). They both import shared code from the app package.

  • packages/app/ - shared UI screens, components, and logic
    • provider/index.tsx - React "providers" that wrap your entire app. includes NativeBase theme, react-query context, etc.
  • packages/web/ - Next.js project. Supports isomorphic rendering of our shared UI
    • integrations/ - blitz requires that all queries & mutations be inside a directory named integrations, app, or src, and be within the Next.js project directory
      • **/queries/ - blitz magic. export functions in this directory that run server-side code, but can be imported directly from frontend code e.g. useQuery(getUser)
      • **/mutations/ - blitz magic. export functions in this directory that run server-side code, but can be imported directly from frontend code e.g. useMutation(updateUser)
  • packages/native/ - Expo project

Manage App Routing/Navigation

  • web: use next.js routing conventions i.e. the files in packages/web/pages/ & rewrites/redirects in packages/web/next.config.mjs
  • native: configure routing using react-navigation in packages/native/App.tsx


  • react - UI framework
  • react-native - native app UI with React
  • Expo - improves the developer experience of developing and releasing react-native apps
  • react-native-web - render react-native elements in the web
  • NativeBase - component library for react-native or react-native-web
  • Next.js - full-stack web framework for React
  • Solito - shared routing logic for Next.js and react-native
  • blitz - zero-api data layer; call server-side code directly from the frontend
  • react-query - handle caching/fetching data in react. used interally by blitz

