Vite Typescript + Tailwind Starter

Simple, opinionated, and production-ready TS + Tailwind project template for Vite 2.

See changelog for latest changes.


  • Vue 3
  • Vuex 4 store (fully typed)
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS w/ plugins preinstalled
    • @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio
    • @tailwindcss/typography
    • @tailwindcss/forms
  • PostCSS 8 w/ postcss-nesting plugin
  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • Alias @ to <project_root>/src
  • Define _APP_VERSION from package.json version at build time
  • Using new script setup syntax (see [rfc #227](script setup))
  • e2e tests (configured similarly to vue-cli)
  • GitHub workflows
    • Dependabot
    • Automated e2e tests
  • GitLab CI

Project setup and usage

Install dependencies:


Run development server:

yarn dev

Open Cypress test runner:

yarn test

Run Cypress tests in headless mode:

yarn test:ci


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the code of conduct when interacting with others.

Follow @uninen on Twitter