Tool to generate a proper PPD and Icon file for a given AirPrint supported printer
- 00mjk
- adipierroTUMO Center for Creative Technologies
- BigMacAdmin
- chouleswycomco
- Flo-MFHamburg
- GPAEALandon
- hamannju
- insyria
- ivonesh
- jamest-iwocaiwoca
- JoesTechRoomBeaver Area School District
- jpscharf
- kevinmcox@DoorDash
- l0bz1k
- ludoplex
- lukecharters
- m13253
- macbm
- matinsaBoston, MA
- MoeMunyokiNew York, NY
- mrowellWorld Transformation Movement
- notverypc
- paulgalow@pbihq
- selfstroSan Antonio, TX
- stankewitz
- stephenutswUT Southwestern Medical Center