This package contains the yolov4_trt_node that performs the inference using NVIDIA's TensorRT engine
This package works for both YOLOv3 and YOLOv4. Do change the commands accordingly, corresponding to the YOLO model used.
Average FPS for yolov4-416 on a 640x360 input is ~ 8-9 FPS
Average FPS w maximum performace on Jetson is ~ 10-11 FPS
ROS == Melodic
DISTRO == Ubuntu 18.04
Jetson == Tx2
Jetpack == 4.4
CUDA == 10.2
TensorRT == 6+
OpenCV == 3.x +
numpy == 1.15.1 +
Protobuf == 3.8.0
Pycuda == 2019.1.2
onnx == 1.4.1 (depends on Protobuf)
Install pycuda (takes awhile)
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/dependencies
$ ./
Install Protobuf (takes awhile)
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/dependencies
$ ./
Install onnx (depends on Protobuf above)
$ sudo pip3 install onnx==1.4.1
- Please also install jetson-inference
- Note: This package uses similar nodes to ros_deep_learning package. Please place a CATKIN_IGNORE in that package to avoid similar node name catkin_make error
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
vision_msgs not found error
sudo apt install ros-melodic-vision-msgs
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/plugins
$ make
This will generate a file
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/yolo
** Please name the yolov4.weights and yolov4.cfg file as follows:
- yolov4.weights
- yolov4.cfg
Run the conversion script to convert to TensorRT engine file
$ ./convert_yolo_trt
- Input the appropriate arguments
- This conversion might take awhile
- The optimised TensorRT engine would now be saved as yolov3-416.trt / yolov4-416.trt
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/utils
$ vim
- Change the class labels to suit your model
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolov4_trt_ros/launch
: change the topic_name -
: change the topic_name -
: change the input format (refer to this Link- video_source.launch requires jetson-inference to be installed
- Default input is CSI camera
Note: Run the launch files separately in different terminals
# For csi input
$ roslaunch yolov4_trt_ros video_source.launch input:=csi://0
# For video input
$ roslaunch yolov4_trt_ros video_source.launch input:=/path_to_video/video.mp4
# For YOLOv3
$ roslaunch yolov4_trt_ros yolov3_trt.launch
# For YOLOv4
$ roslaunch yolov4_trt_ros yolov4_trt.launch
$ cd /usr/bin/
$ sudo ./nvpmodel -m 0 # Enable 2 Denver CPU
$ sudo ./jetson_clock # Maximise CPU/GPU performance
- Please ensure the jetson device is cooled appropriately to prevent overheating
str model = "yolov3" or "yolov4"
str model_path = "/abs_path_to_model/"
int input_shape = 288/416/608
int category_num = 80
double conf_th = 0.5
bool show_img = True
Default Input FPS from CSI camera = 30.0
- To change this, go to jetson-inference/utils/camera/gstCamera.cpp line 359 and change
mOptions.frameRate = 15
tomOptions.frameRate = desired_frame_rate
1. Referenced source code from jkjung-avt and his project with tensorrt samples
I also used the pycuda and protobuf installation script from his project
Those code are under MIT License