Polyglot. Rust, Ruby, JS/TS, Crystal, C, Solidity, web 2 and web 3 technologies. @topos-protocol && @toposware
Toposware; @toposwareVeteran, Wyoming
Pinned Repositories
A very fast distributed asynchronous logging service
This is a performance optimized implementation of base58 binary-to-text encoding algorithm.
This is a small UUID library that implements a chronologically sortable UUID.
This shard provides facilities for checking whether a constant exists at compile time, and for a variety of different conditional compilation options. Code can be conditionally compiled based on the existence of a constant, version number constraints, or whether an environment variable is set truthy or not.
A fast, productive, component based web development framework for Ruby.
Bundled integrations for opentelemetry-api.cr (https://github.com/wyhaines/opentelemetry-api.cr).
A Simple Ruby Web Server
This is a Crystal implementation of a Splay Tree; which is a type of binary search tree that is semi-balanced and that tends to self-optimize so that the most accessed items are the fastest to retrieve.
A high performance clustering proxy / web server for web applications.
This is a re-implementation of the canonical topos-playground in Crystal, both to simplify the implementation, and to create a tool that can be simply distributed as a compiled executable.
wyhaines's Repositories
This shard provides facilities for checking whether a constant exists at compile time, and for a variety of different conditional compilation options. Code can be conditionally compiled based on the existence of a constant, version number constraints, or whether an environment variable is set truthy or not.
Bundled integrations for opentelemetry-api.cr (https://github.com/wyhaines/opentelemetry-api.cr).
This is a small UUID library that implements a chronologically sortable UUID.
This is a Crystal implementation of a Splay Tree; which is a type of binary search tree that is semi-balanced and that tends to self-optimize so that the most accessed items are the fastest to retrieve.
The core of open telemetry instrumentation is the OpenTelemetry API/SDK. The initial aim of this shard is to implement the OpenTelemetry specification for metrics, traces, and logs.
This repository contains an implementation of an OpenTelemetry SDK for Crystal
This library implements a method call tracing facility that can be used to generate either summary or detailed logs of method calls, or to inject arbitrary code execution into method calls.
This implements a very simple timeout method for Crystal. Use it to wrap code in a timeout, so that execution of that code can not continue forever.
This is a very small extension of the Time class for Crystal. It has been extracted from another project as it provides a small number of logical and useful extensions to Time.
This is a very simple utility, intended for command line use, that accepts via command line or STDIN a set of data items, and then displays them, one per line, with checkboxes next to them, and the ability to move through them, selecting or deselecting them with the keyboard. When enter is pressed, the selected set it returned to STDOUT.
This is a re-implementation of the canonical topos-playground in Crystal, both to simplify the implementation, and to create a tool that can be simply distributed as a compiled executable.
This is a BTree implementation for Gno. It implements a fast and flexible tree storage type, using pointers for each of the stored nodes, so that it has reasonable behavior when running in a blockchain context.
This is a snapshot of work that was done on a set of contracts intended to implement a system that could be used to assess the results of questions or challenges. It would reward correct responses with NFTs. This repo is intended for educational purposes only. The code here is not complete/debugged/vetted.
This is a simple container intended to be a general purpose configuration container.
A taxonomy for open source cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized ecosystems
Topos Docs
Freedom of Information App: A permanent, censorship-resistant data repository.
Gno: An interpreted, stack-based Go virtual machine to build succinct and composable apps + Gno.land: a blockchain for timeless code and fair open-source.
This is the UI portion of an implementation of Conway's Game of Life, using a blockchain smart contract platform, gno.land, as a backend for the calculations for each generation.
This repo contains the code examples for the gno.me tutorial on the AVL tree.
Community-run hub for the Gno DevOps family
This is a simple implementation of the core functionality for a simple Twitter-like social media platform, built on Gno.land.
There is a problem with IO::Delimited in recent versions of Crystal (the boundaries are not clear yet, but sometime after 1.6.2, and definitely in 1.12.2) that causes file upload failures with iOS. This patch works around the problem while it is being isolated and fixed upstream.
This is a proof-of-concept implementation of, first, a blockchain built inside of PostgreSQL in order to maintain a ledger of state changes, and second, the necessary additional pieces needed to register a database built in this way as a [Topos](https://docs.topos.technology) subnet.
I wanted a code block component that would utilize the GitHub API to pull code directly from a repository and display it, with syntax highlighting, line highlighting, and a link back to the referenced code. I couldn't find anything, so I built something.
This is a simple extension to the String class to add a method which cleanly, flexibly, and naturally breaks long strings for display on a terminal of a given width.
A bit of sample code showing how to use w3s to mirror a web page.
This is a PoC illustrating a traditional database (postgresql) being integrated as a data source with a topos subnet, and cross-subnet communications between both smart contracts and the database.