
This is a demo of crawler, it works by nodejs and express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a demo of crawler, it works by nodejs and express


cheerio(https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio ) 可以看成 Node.js 版的 jquery,用来从网页中以 css selector 的方式取数据,使用方式参照 jquery。


superagent(http://visionmedia.github.io/superagent/ ) 是个 http 方面的库,可以发起 get 或 post 请求。

npm vs yarn

包管理工具用了yarn替代npm, 下面是npm与yarn常用命令的对照表:

  • npm install => yarn install
  • npm install --save [package] => yarn add [package]
  • npm install --save-dev [package] => yarn add [package] --dev
  • npm install --global [package] => yarn global add [package]
  • npm uninstall --save [package] => yarn remove [package]
  • npm uninstall --save-dev [package] => yarn remove [package]