The AdSense Management API v2 is
now availble.
Updated examples can be found for each language in the top-level v2
directory. We're working to update examples in all languages, so please check
back soon if your prefered language is not in the v2
folder yet.
These code samples are organized by platform or language.
- android is a quick-start project for the Android OS (4.0+) that shows how to make requests and authenticate your users from an Android app.
- dotnet is a command-line sample that shows how to make most calls against the API, written in C#.
- java is a command-line sample that shows how to make most calls against the API, written in Java.
- php-clientlib-0.6 is a set of samples that shows how to make most calls against the API, written in PHP. Uses version 0.6 of the PHP Client Library.
- php-clientlib-1.x is a set of samples that shows how to make most calls against the API, written in PHP. Uses version 1.x of the PHP Client Library.
- python is a command-line sample that shows how to make most calls against the API, written in Python.
- ruby is a set of command-line samples that show how to make most calls against the API, written in Ruby.
Please refer to the file inside each directory for installation instructions.