
Buildout recipe for creating a WSGI config for your Pyramid app

Primary LanguagePython


''w20e.pyramidwsgi.recipe'' is a zc.buildout recipe that creates a WSGI script for inclusion in Apache `using mod_wsgi`_. The Apache config skeleton can also be created (optional).

To create a WSGI config for your Pyramid app, include a section in your ''buildout.cfg'' like so:

recipe = w20e.pyramidwsgi.recipe
eggs = ${pyramid:eggs}
extra-paths = ${pyramid:extra-paths}
script_name = yourapp
ini_file = ${buildout:directory}/production.ini
apache_config = ${buildout:directory}/apache_wsgi.conf

This will create a python script in bin called ''yourapp.wsgi'' which mod_wsgi can load. You can also use the optional ''extra-paths'' option to specify extra paths that are added to the python system path. If you provide the optional apache_config option, the Apache config file will be created. This is a skeleton however, some parameters need to be filled in.