This was my first NPM package and it has served its purpose.
T:::::::::::::::::::::TM:::::::M M:::::::MR::::::::::::::::R
T:::::::::::::::::::::TM::::::::M M::::::::MR::::::RRRRRR:::::R
T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::TM:::::::::M M:::::::::MRR:::::R R:::::R
TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTM::::::::::M M::::::::::M R::::R R:::::R
T:::::T M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M R::::R R:::::R
T:::::T M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M R::::RRRRRR:::::R
T:::::T M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M R:::::::::::::RR
T:::::T M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M R::::RRRRRR:::::R
T:::::T M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M R::::R R:::::R
T:::::T M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M R::::R R:::::R
T:::::T M::::::M MMMMM M::::::M R::::R R:::::R
TT:::::::TT M::::::M M::::::MRR:::::R R:::::R
T:::::::::T M::::::M M::::::MR::::::R R:::::R
T:::::::::T M::::::M M::::::MR::::::R R:::::R
TMR or Tiny Message Recommender is a small package for recommending text from a json file.
npm i @wylie39/tmr
TMR takes a json object like the following:
"id": A unique number for the message,
"enabled": True or False should we show this message,
"message_text": " the message itself ",
"airdate": "only show the message on this date, MM/DD/YYYY",
"air_date": True or False only recommend on the date above,
Here’s a example with 3 messages:
"id": 0,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message 0",
"airdate": "",
"air_date": false
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message1",
"airdate": "",
"air_date": false
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message2",
"airdate": "12/25/2020",
"air_date": true
Here’s a full example:
const tmr = require('@wylie39/tmr');
const json = [
"id": 0,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message 0",
"airdate": "",
"air_date": false
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message1",
"airdate": "",
"air_date": false
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"message_text": "message2",
"airdate": "12/25/2020",
"air_date": true
const message = tmr.recommend(json);
This will recommend one of the messages and log it to the console.
If a message has a date and is enabled it will get recommend first If there are multiple dates it will pick one at random If there are no messages with dates it will use one that has no date and is enabled if there no enabled messages it will throw an error
The date is captured from the users computer and compared to the one in the json without time-zone checking.
Run NPM test.