
A Rails plugin/gem for translating MongoMapper models

Primary LanguageRuby

This is a Rails plugin for MongoMapper that allows you to translate your models in a way that is similar to the Globalize gem for ActiveRecord.

After heading down this path for several days I found github.com/ahe/mongo_translation and decided I like their implimentation of the klass better but it needed a few changes to make it easier to use from a rails controller.

USAGE: First add to your Gemfile

gem 'monglobal'

Then run bundle install

Then in your model:

class Post

  include MongoMapper::Document
  include Monglobal

  translates :title, :body

  key :title,       String
  key :body,        String


Now your controller is pretty much the same with one difference to how you update a record. Instead of using update_attributes use this on your update method.

def create
  post = Post.new(params[:post])
  if post.save
    redirect_to translate_posts_path(params[:locale])

def update
  post = Post.find(params[:id])
  post.update_translation(params[:locale], params[:post])
  redirect_to translate_posts_path(params[:locale])

The sample app here might help with some of the details of switching the locale and setting up the default locale.