
PHP Web Scraper

Primary LanguagePHP


Originally from Dan Devine - A Content Scraping Tool



Right now this version of scrapeheap is at it's infancy. Don't expect any fancy user interface. Just pop a URL in and expect results. Simple as that.


Latest Updates

  1. See the dump of content as your scraper works
  2. Saves Docx & HTML in separate folders
  3. Adds some nice helpful text so if you want to scrape again, just go ahead


Local Deployment

  1. Download/Clone the project
  2. Install dependencies by running composer install && npm install
  3. Ensure you put put the project where your valet has been parked in
  4. Access the project locally via Valet at http://scrapeheap.test

This assumes you have Valet installed and properly configured for your project. If not, please refer to the Valet documentation for setup instructions.

