
Config files

Primary LanguageVim Script

Justin's dotfiles


  1. ~ $ git clone https://github.com/wyne/dotfiles.git
  2. Stow a config. ex: stow vim, stow zsh, stow slate



The following commands rely heavily on fasd and fzf.

  • v <substr> - open recent file containing substr with vim.
  • vv <substr> - open recent file containing substr with vim. (interactive selection)
  • j - cd to prev dir. (cd -)
  • j <substr> - cd to recent directory containing substr.
  • jj <substr> - cd to recent directory containing substr. (interactive selection)
  • fbr - git checkout branch (local only). (interactive selection)
  • fbrr - git checkout branch (include remotes). (interactive selection)




  • ; is remapped to : for commands so you don't have to press shift :)
  • <space> is the leader key
  • <space> w - save current file
  • <space> x - close current buffer while maintaining window arrangment
  • <tab> - next buffer
  • <shift> <tab> - previous buffer
  • <space> q - quit while preserving window arrangements
  • \ - Open file browser (NERDTree)
  • <space> o - Open file selector. Supports fuzzy matching like "TMF" for "TheMainFile.scala"
    • <Ctrl-f> - Toggle between buffers, files, and most recently used files modes
    • <Ctrl-r> - Toggle regex searching
  • <Ctrl-n> - Select next occurence of word
  • Use normal mode operations like c, d, etc
  • <space> u - Open undo tree (Gundo)


  • <space> ss {name} - save your current session to preserve open files, etc.
  • <space> so - restore a session you saved with ss. Use <tab> to iterate through options.


  • <space> v - Edit .vimrc
  • <space> V - Reload .vimrc