
Dynamo Libraries for Revit

Primary LanguageC#

Building DynamoRevit

Background Info

DynamoRevit is a library of Dynamo Nodes as well as a set of utilities for interacting with Revit via the Dynamo visual programming language.

DynamoRevit has different branches for different versions of Revit. For example to run DynamoRevit on Revit 2016 you want the DynamoRevit 2016 branch. DynamoRevit is also built on top of Dynamo, and in some cases requires matching the version of Dynamo as well. For example, to run DynamoRevit on Revit 2016 using Dynamo .91 you want to build The Dynamo .91 Branch, then build the DynamoRevit .91 2016 branch.

####Steps Download Dynamo from http://www.github.com/DyanmoDS/Dynamo Download DynamoRevit from here. Build Dynamo.all.sln Build DynamoRevit.2013.sln

if you have a version of revit installed, you can build an installer from Dynamo/Tools/Install/...

if you do not have an installed version of revit, you can create an .addin file that points to the Dynamo application manually: in the correct Revit adding location for your application add a text file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<AddIn Type="Application">
<Name>Dynamo For Revit</Name>

you want to point the addin button thats loaded into Revit to the VersionSelector.dll that is built during a build of DynamoRevit and copied into the Dynamo/bin/Revitxxx/ folder.

DynamoRevit requires a few dependencies

  • Dynamo from http://www.github.com/DyanmoDS/Dynamo (path set with DYNAMOAPI)
  • RevitAPI.dll + RevitAPIUI.dll (path set with REVITAPI)
  • IronPython 2.7 (this is already installed if you install Dynamo)

####Build Issues

  • make sure Dynamo and DynamoRevit are in the same root directory and are named exactly "Dynamo" and "DynamoRevit" (it's easiest to just pull both repos from github directly)

  • if you see errors like: 1> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\TextTemplating\11.0\TextTransform.exe" -out AssemblySharedInfo.cs AssemblySharedInfo.tt 1>c:\Users\bykovsm\AppData\Local\Temp\AssemblySharedInfo.tt(1,1): error CS1519: Compiling transformation: Invalid token 'this' in class, struct, or interface member declaration 1>c:\Users\bykovsm\AppData\Local\Temp\AssemblySharedInfo.tt(1,6): error CS1520: Compiling transformation: Method must have a return type then you need to get rid of any white space in the last line of DynamoRevit/src/AssemblyInfoGenerator/transform_all.tt it's also possible that transform_all.bat is looking for a text templating engine for a version of visual studio you do not have installed.

  • if you see missing classes or namespaces from the Revit or Dynamo APIS see here: CS.props contains environment variable DYNAMOAPI and REVITAPI to define path for Dynamo and Revit libraries respectively. These environment variables can be overwritten by providing correct path for Dynamo and Revit libraries in user_locals.props

####Note#### the installer structure for DynamoCore and DynamoRevit has recently changed - if you have trouble with these instructions please reach out to the Dynamo team for help.