This is a sample tutorial used to experiment with the features of Vue.js. I created a blackboard that allows users to enter text in a text input and have that text blow up in scale so others can see it easily.
You can learn more about vue.js here -
The walk-through for this application can be found here -
# download repo
git clone
# make sure vue-cli is installed
npm install -g vue-cli
# Go into repo
cd blackboard-vue-tutorial
#Install dependencies
npm install
#run the app
npm run dev
- Increase/decrease text size dynamically
- Save pages and review pages
- Toggle background - black/white
- Create new pages
- Vue Cli
- Application Structure
- Routing
- Single File Components
- Templating
- Declarative Rendering
- Binding Attributes
- Methods and Computed Properties
- Child Components