
An easy-to-use pagination wrapper for discord.py

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An easy-to-use feature-rich pagination wrapper for discord.py

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pip install pygicord

or via git:

pip install git+https://github.com/davidetacchini/pygicord


It is recommended using the latest stable version of discord.py.

Getting Started

Basic Paginator

from pygicord import Paginator

def get_pages():
    pages = []
    for i in range(1, 6):
        embed = discord.Embed()
        embed.title = f"Embed no. {i}"
    return pages

async def test(ctx):
    pages = get_pages()
    paginator = Paginator(pages=pages)
    await paginator.start(ctx)


Name Description Type Default
pages A list of objects to paginate or just one. Union[Any, List[Any]]
timeout The timeout to wait before stopping the pagination session. float 90.0
emojis The custom emojis to use. dict Discord natives
config The configuration to use. pygicord.Config Config.DEFAULT
force_lock Whether to force adding the lock. bool False

Supported emojis formats:

  • Emoji: "🚀" (not recommended)
  • Unicode: "\U0001F680"
  • Unicode name: "\N{ROCKET}"
  • Custom emoji: ":custom_emoji:123456"

Custom Emojis

from pygicord import Paginator

# copy this and replace the values.
custom_emojis = { 
    "\U000023EA": "REPLACE (first page)",
    "\U000025C0": "REPLACE (previous page)",
    "\U000023F9": "REPLACE (stop session)",
    "\U000025B6": "REPLACE (next page)",
    "\U000023E9": "REPLACE (last page)",
    "\U0001F522": "REPLACE (input numbers)",
    "\U0001F512": "REPLACE (lock unlock)",

async def test(ctx):
    paginator = Paginator(pages=pages, emojis=custom_emojis)
    await paginator.start(ctx)


Config.RICH is the only config to have the lock set by default. You must set force_lock to True if you want to add it to all other configurations.

Type Buttons
Config.DEFAULT first, previous, stop, next, last, input
Config.MINIMAL previous, stop, next
Config.PLAIN first, previous, stop, next, last
Config.RICH first, previous, stop, next, last, input, lock
from pygicord import Config, Paginator

async def test(ctx):
    paginator = Paginator(pages=pages, config=Config.MINIMAL)
    await paginator.start(ctx)

Custom Paginator

from pygicord import Paginator, control

class CustomPaginator(Paginator):
    @control(emoji="\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}", position=4.5)
    async def show_info(self, payload):
        """Shows this message."""
        desc = []
        for emoji, control_ in self.controller.items():
            desc.append(f"{emoji}: {control_.callback.__doc__}")
        embed = discord.Embed()
        embed.description = "\n".join(desc)
        embed.set_footer(text="Press any reaction to go back.")
        await self.message.edit(content=None, embed=embed)

pages = [f"Page no. {i}" for i in range(1, 6)]

async def test(ctx):
    paginator = CustomPaginator(pages=pages)
    await paginator.start(ctx)

New Paginator

from pygicord import Base, StopAction, StopPagination, control

class MyPaginator(Base):
    @control(emoji="\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}", position=2)
    async def stop(self, payload):
        """Stop pagination."""
        raise StopPagination(StopAction.DELETE_MESSAGE)

    def stop_display_if(self):
        """Only displays when pages are atleast 2."""
        return len(self) > 1

    def stop_invoke_if(self, payload):
        """Only the author can stop the session."""
        return self.ctx.author.id == payload.user_id

pages = [f"Page no. {i}" for i in range(1, 6)]

async def test(ctx):
    paginator = MyPaginator(pages=pages)
    await paginator.start(ctx)