
Error in family_tree_plotter

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I want to display segmental and tandem duplications in a gene family tree. I ran the following commands :

javac family_tree_plotter.java
java family_tree_plotter -t ../../mcscanx_input/tree.nwk -s ../../mcscanx_input/rice.collinearity  –d ../../mcscanx_input/rice.tandem -o tandem_segmental_genes_tree.png

I get this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at family_tree_plotter.compute(family_tree_plotter.java:263)
        at family_tree_plotter.paint(family_tree_plotter.java:299)
        at family_tree_plotter.main(family_tree_plotter.java:397)

Please help me resolve this error. I am doing it on ubuntu in WSL. All other MCScanX commands I ran were successfull except this one.

Thank You

I found the problem. The tree file had bootstrap values instead of branch lengths which was causing a format problem between ":" and ",".