
Logic Test in Elissa Software

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Elissa Software (Logic test)

Piggy Bank


Piggy bank is a container used by children to save coin (money) inside it. 

Puei has a digital piggy bank. She always save money inside her piggy bank. When her grandmother bought for her, piggy bank asked to set the password to unlock the door of piggy bank. Only after unlocking, the door of piggy bank can be opened. And it has a small hornizontal hole and Puei put money into piggy bank through that hole. When she needs to take out money, she has to type password, then unlock the door and take out money from her piggy bank. Piggy bank door will be locked as soon as it was closed. Sometimes her mother opens piggy bank and count the amount that Puei saved. There are Myanmar kyats and some Singapore dollars in her piggy bank and also some other curries e.g Thai, Indonesia etc.. Therefore, sometimes her mother counts how much Singapore dollars in her piggy bank, how much Myanmar kyats in her piggy bank etc.


Now you have to write logical piggy bank in your Java programming. You logical piggy bank must be able to operate 100% same as Puei's physical piggy bank. 

Difficulty : 3/5

Music Player


I have a music player (JetAudio). Before playing that music player, I normally copies the MP3 songs into JetAudio. Then I start playing music by click "Play" button on JetAudio app's UI. There I can choose the song I want to play. I can repeat all the songs and I can also repeat only the current song. I can pause the playing and resume. I can add or remove songs. JetAudio will play all the songs one after another until the last song. When it finished playing first song, it will continue to the next song. If I choose repeat all, when JetAudio finishes playing the last song, it will go back to the first song and keep playing. I can move back or go to next song if I wish.


Now you have understand how music players are working. You have to write dummy music player. And your dummy must be work 100% same as real music player. But your dummy player no need to make sound. Just display some text such ash "Playing : Music ABC"

Difficulty : 3/5

Car Grid


Puei and I normally play with remote car. I draw 16x16 grid on the floor. Then I define point A and point B. And I put remote car on point A. And Puei uses remote controller and drive the car to reach point B. When she can move her car to point B. She wons the game. But to make her lose the game, I put some blocks on the grid. So while she is moving her car on grid, she needs to make sure her car doesn't hit these block. If her car hits, she loses the game.


Now you have understand how Puei and I play this car grid game. You have to write a logical car grid game. I will define point A and B, car and block in your logical car grid game. If my car hits block while playing your logical car grid game, your program must say "Game Over".

Difficulty : 5/5