
💻 macOS dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

wyq977’s dotfiles

Modified based on alrra's repo.

Only macOS version has been configured.


To set up the dotfiles run the appropriate snippet in the terminal:

OS Snippet
macOS bash -c "$(curl -LsS https://raw.github.com/wyq977/dotfiles/master/src/os/setup.sh)"


Local Settings

The dotfiles can be easily extended to suit additional local requirements by using the following files:

Local or sensitive info can be stored under ~/.bash.local, ~/.gitconfig.local and ~/.vimrc.local after installing. *local file will be automatically sourced.


To update the dotfiles you can either run the setup script or, if you want to update one particular part, run the appropriate os script.

Sync with Fork

See the guide on how to sync after forking.

Also on how to combine commits to make a cleaner history, see this discussion.


  1. caps lock <-> control
  2. Touchpad: single touch
  3. 3 finger dragging

Show bluetooth in settings