ƒ is a library of daily-needed utils for javascript developers.
Used on our own libraries, and maybe on yours, no one wants to reinvent the wheel everytime they need it.
- Represent mathematical function!
- Was used on older Apple systems to represent a folder.
- ƒ is easier to write: (at least at Mac OS)
- Mac - Alt + Shift + f
- Windows - Alt + 159
- Linux - CHANGEME :D
If you don't want to use ƒ as variable name, we advise you to use Util
(capitalized, so you won't have problems in case you use nodejs's util
npm install findhit-util --save
var ƒ = require( 'findhit-util' );
// OR
// var Util = require( 'findhit-util' );
// Everyday use
// Dynamic methods (that calls inner ones)
ƒ.each() <- ƒ.forEach()
* ƒ.Array.each() <- ƒ.Array.forEach()
* ƒ.Object.each() <- ƒ.Object.forEach()
* ƒ.Array.map()
* ƒ.Object.map()
// IsIsnt - Type validation
// Is
ƒ.is.instanceof( Promise, variable );
// Default registered Constructors
ƒ.is.Function( variable );
ƒ.is.Object( variable );
ƒ.is.Array( variable );
ƒ.is.String( variable );
ƒ.is.Error( variable );
ƒ.is.Number( variable );
ƒ.is.JSON( variable );
ƒ.is.true( variable );
ƒ.is.false( variable );
ƒ.is.undefined( variable );
ƒ.is.null( variable );
// Isnt
ƒ.isnt.instanceof( Promise, promise );
// Default registered Constructors
ƒ.isnt.Function( variable );
ƒ.isnt.Object( variable );
ƒ.isnt.Array( variable );
ƒ.isnt.String( variable );
ƒ.isnt.Error( variable );
ƒ.isnt.Number( variable );
ƒ.isnt.JSON( variable );
ƒ.isnt.true( variable );
ƒ.isnt.false( variable );
ƒ.isnt.undefined( variable );
ƒ.isnt.null( variable );
// Custom constructor register
// This is great, not just to use on your app, but to be used also by who uses your app
// You could easily register your plugin's constructor on ƒ
// We use this lib on `findhit-promise`, and we have registered it on IsIsnt like this:
ƒ.isisnt.register( Promise, [ 'Promise', 'promise' ] );
// Now, if someone uses `findhit-promise` and also `findhit-util` can check without
// having to register it again!! :)
ƒ.is.Promise( myAwesomePromiseInstance )
// We have added also a custom register that accepts one or two functions for evaluation
// ƒ.isisnt.registerCustom( keys, isFn, [ isntFn ] );
// You could bind it to one key
ƒ.isisnt.registerCustom( 'even', function ( variable ) {
return ƒ.is.Number( variable ) && num % 2;
// or bind it to multiple
ƒ.isisnt.registerCustom( [ 'Odd', 'odd' ], function ( variable ) {
return ƒ.is.Number( variable ) && ! num % 2;
// This would make available:
ƒ.is.even( 2 ) // true
ƒ.isnt.even( 2 ) // false
ƒ.is.even( 3 ) // false
ƒ.isnt.even( 3 ) // true
ƒ.is.odd( 2 ) // false
ƒ.isnt.odd( 2 ) // true
ƒ.is.Odd( 3 ) // true
ƒ.isnt.Odd( 3 ) // false
// if isnt evaluation is different than is, you could supply isnt function
function ( variable ) {
return variable === 'cuss';
function ( variable ) {
return variable === 'cuss' ? 'how do you dare?' : false; // should return bool, this is just for POC
// By Type
// Array utils
// ƒ.array OR ƒ.Array
// is / isnt binds
ƒ.Array.is( variable )
ƒ.Array.isnt( variable )
ƒ.Array.each() <- ƒ.Array.forEach()
// String utils
// ƒ.string OR ƒ.String
// is / isnt binds
ƒ.String.is( variable )
ƒ.String.isnt( variable )
ƒ.String.trim( variable )
ƒ.String.splitWords( variable )
ƒ.String.capitalize( 'heyyo' ) // Heyyo
ƒ.String.decapitalize( 'Heyyo' ) // heyyo
// Case conversions
// from CamelCase to ...
ƒ.String.fromCamelToUnderscore( 'HeyYo' ) // 'hey_yo'
ƒ.String.fromCamelToDash( 'HeyYo' ) // 'hey-yo'
ƒ.String.fromCamelToSpaced( 'HeyYo' ) // 'Hey Yo'
// from underscore_case to ...
ƒ.String.fromUnderscoreToCamel( 'hey_yo' ) // 'HeyYo'
ƒ.String.fromUnderscoreToDash( 'hey_yo' ) // 'hey-yo'
ƒ.String.fromUnderscoreToSpaced( 'hey_yo' ) // 'Hey Yo'
// from dash-case to ...
ƒ.String.fromDashToCamel( 'hey-yo' ) // 'HeyYo'
ƒ.String.fromDashToUnderscore( 'hey-yo' ) // 'hey_yo'
ƒ.String.fromDashToSpaced( 'hey-yo' ) // 'Hey Yo'
// Function utils
// ƒ.function OR ƒ.Function
// is / isnt binds
ƒ.Function.is( variable )
ƒ.Function.isnt( variable )
// Analysis
ƒ.Function.debug( 'hello', 'petit', 'de', 'moiselle' ) // logs all arguments into console.log;
// Return returners
ƒ.Function.return( value ) // Returns a function that returns the value on each execution
ƒ.Function.falsify() // false
ƒ.Function.truthify() // true
ƒ.Function.nullify() // null
ƒ.Function.undefinify() // undefined
// get function parameter names
ƒ.Function.getParamNames('function ( a, b, c )') // [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
ƒ.Function.getParamNames( function ( a, b, c ) {}) // [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
ƒ.Function.getParamNames('function ( a, /* b, */ c )') // [ 'a', 'c' ]
ƒ.Function.getParamNames( function ( a, /* b, */ c ) {}) // [ 'a', 'c' ]
// Object utils
// ƒ.object OR ƒ.Object
// is / isnt binds
ƒ.Object.is( variable )
ƒ.Object.isnt( variable )
ƒ.Object.each() <- ƒ.Object.forEach()
// RegExp utils
// ƒ.RegExp OR ƒ.regexp OR ƒ.Regexp
ƒ.RegExp.builder( [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'spaced' ]) // Return a regex to match alphanumeric-spaced strings
ƒ.RegExp.test( 'as876asdf6 sdf as69876', [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'spaced' ]) // true
ƒ.RegExp.test( 'as876asdf###df as69876', [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'spaced' ]) // false
ƒ.RegExp.match( 'as876asdf6 sdf as69876', [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'spaced' ]) // Array with matches
ƒ.RegExp.match( 'as876asdf###df as69876', [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'spaced' ]) // false
// Now, the most exciting thing arround RegExp, the querifier!!
// Imagine that you need, on a clever way to filter strings
// Here is the solution: ƒ.RegExp.querifier()
var regexp = ƒ.RegExp.querifier( 'john doe' ); // magical regexp
ƒ.RegExp.filter( regexp, [
'José Moreira',
'John Something Doe',
'João Alto',
]); // [ 'John Something Doe' ]