
SDK for Scout mobile base

Primary LanguageHTML

SDK for AgileX Scout Mobile Base

Copyright (c) 2019 WestonRobot


This software packages provides a C++ interface to communicate with the Scout mobile base, for sending commands to the robot and acquiring the latest robot state. The SDK works on both x86 and ARM platforms.

Generally, you only need to instantiate an object of "class ScoutBase", then use the object to programmatically control the robot. Internally, class ScoutBase manages two background threads, one to process CAN/UART messages of the robot state and accordingly update state variables in the ScoutState data structure, and the other to maintain a 50Hz loop and send the latest command to the robot base. User can iteratively perform tasks in the main thread and check the robot state or set control commands.

Refer to "src/apps/scout_demo" for an example.

Package Structure

  • apps: demo to illustrate how to use the SDK, scout_monitor is a TUI application to monitor states of Scout
  • async_io: manages raw data communication with robot
  • scout_sdk/scout_protocol: encoding and decoding of Scout UART/CAN protocols
  • scout_sdk/scout_base: interface to send command to robot and receive robot state
  • unit_tests: for unit tests only (not required otherwise)

Setup CAN-To-USB adapter

  1. Enable gs_usb kernel module
    $ sudo modprobe gs_usb
  2. Bringup can device
    $ sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
  3. If no error occured during the previous steps, you should be able to see the can device now by using command
    $ ifconfig -a
  4. Install and use can-utils to test the hardware
    $ sudo apt install can-utils
  5. Testing command
    # receiving data from can0
    $ candump can0
    # send data to can0
    $ cansend can0 001#1122334455667788

Two scripts inside the "./scripts" folder are provided for easy setup. You can run "./setup_can2usb.bash" for the first-time setup and run "./bringup_can2usb.bash" to bring up the device each time you unplug and re-plug the adapter.

Setup UART

Generally your UART2USB cable should be automatically recognized as "/dev/ttyUSB0" or something similar and ready for use. If you get the error "... permission denied ..." when trying to open the port, you need to grant access of the port to your user accout:

$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

You need to re-login to get the change to take effect.

Build SDK

Install compile tools

$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake

If you want to build the TUI monitor tool, install libncurses

$ sudo apt install libncurses5-dev

Configure and build

$ cd scout_sdk 
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Run Demo Apps

The demo code expects one parameter for the CAN bus mode.

$ ./app_scout_demo can0

Both the port name and baud rate need to be provided when using the RS232 interface.

$./app_scout_demo /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

If you've installed "libncurses5-dev" and built "app_scout_monitor", you can run it in a similar way:

$ ./app_scout_monitor can0


$./app_scout_monitor /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Known Limitations
