
An OVS database client

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Fast OVSDB client for node.


ovsdb-client requires an opened OVS database port. In most cases it is enough to perform this action on a server side. This will open OVSDB port in passive mode on port 6640 (OVSDB default).

 $ sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6640 

Installation using npmjs

 $ npm install --save ovsdb-client

Installation from Github

 $ git clone https://github.com/PLVision/ovsdb-client.git
 $ cd ovsdb-client
 $ npm install

Sample usage

Retrieve schame for table 'Ports' from OVS database.

 var client = require('ovsdb-client');
 var db_name = 'Open_vSwitch';
 var table_name = 'port'
 // retrieve 'Port' table schema from OVS Database
 var table = client.db_schema(db_name).tables[table_name];


Copyright (c) 2014-2017 PLVision Authors of ovsdb-client are Ihor Chumak and Roman Gotsiy (developers@plvision.eu). Maintainer: Ihor Chumak (developers@plvision.eu)
