
React auto testing boilerplate with Karma + Jasmine + Enzyme .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

注意:这个项目主要面向于 React 0.14.x

WARNING: the project is aim to React 0.14.x


  1. 此类WARNING信息可以无视,react-compat.js会优先选择react v15的相关模块,没有才会用v0.14相关模块,所以node-module不要添加react-test-renderer之类的模块
WARNING in ./~/enzyme/build/react-compat.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'react-dom/test-utils' in /node_modules/enzyme/build
 @ ./~/enzyme/build/react-compat.js 132:20-51

WARNING in ./~/enzyme/build/react-compat.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'react-test-renderer/shallow' in /node_modules/enzyme/build
  1. 原先的业务逻辑中存在 script 引入的标签,在karma里面如何引入
module.exports = function (config) {
        // 依赖框架
        frameworks: ['jasmine'],
        files: [
                pattern: './demo/javascript/dist/browser-polyfill.min.js',
                included: true,	// 类似 script 的方式引入

		// 注意: preprocessors 不要处理 browser-polyfill 相关的文件
		preprocessors: {
		    'demo/javascript/src/**/*.js': ['webpack']
  1. css和图片等静态资源如何引入

借助 karma 的proxies,默认karma会将静态资源放到 /base/ 下面,所以资源路径需要通过proxy代理到对应的目录

proxies: {
    "/dist/": "/base/dist/",
  1. phantomjs 需要添加promise ployfill

可以在 setup.js 中引入


  1. Sourcemap support

IF: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined #167


Use create-react-app instead

Boilerplate for kick starting a project with the following technologies:

The various webpack options used have been explained in detailed as comments in the config file. Should help with understanding the nitty-gritty :)

Based on react-es6-webpack-boilerplate.


npm install
npm start
# Open http://localhost:5000


ESLint with React linting options have been enabled.

npm run lint


Start Karma test runner.

This will run the tests only one, ideal for CI (travis and such).

npm test

This will auto watch all files for changes and rerun the tests. Ideal for development.

npm run test_watch