
Project aimed at making cpp inference on TensorRT from python

Primary LanguageC

TensorRT inference in Python

This project is aimed at providing fast inference for NN with tensorRT through its C++ API without any need of C++ programming. Use your lovely python.




Currently CUDA 10.2, TensorRT is supported.

Build Instructions

Windows prebuild instructions:

  1. install Visual Studio
  2. THEN install CUDA (make sure that VS version satisfies cuda requirements


  1. Download TensorRT library and extract it.
  2. git clone --recursive https://github.com/KorovkoAlexander/tensorrt_models
  3. cd tensorrt_models
  4. Open CmakeLists.txt and Change TensorRT include and lib paths.
  5. pip install .

Prebuild packages


Then you can:

from tensorrt_models import TRTModel

model = TRTModel(
	model_path = "path to your engine file", #str 
	device = 0, #on which GPU to run #int
	logs_path = "path to logs file" #str

import cv2

img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img1 = cv2.imread(img_path_1)
img2 = cv2.imread(img_path_2)

batch = np.stack([img1, img2, img3]).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) # shape = (b, c, h, w)
outputs = model.apply(batch)

Convert model from ONNX into TRT Engine:

from tensorrt_models import import convertONNX, precisionType, deviceType, pixelFormat

	modelFile = "path to onnx", # str
	file_list = "path to file with paths for calib images", #str
	scale = (58.395, 57.12 , 57.375), # scale image preproc; Tuple[float]
	shift = (123.675, 116.28 , 103.53), #shift image preproc; Tuple[float]
    max_batch_size = 1, # maxBatch;int
    allowGPUFallback = True, #allowGPUFallback 
    device = deviceType.DEVICE_GPU, 
    precision = precisionType.TYPE_INT8,
    format = pixelFormat.RGB,
    logs_path = "path to logs file" #str)

Must know details:

  • Make sure that you callibrate your model in the appropraite pixel format. If you trained your net in RGB mode, the same format should be used during callibration.
  • Scale and Shift are used to make image preprocessing during calibration. Finally (image - shift)/scale is fed into the network. The order of coeffs in this vectors (scale and shift) must correspont to input image format i.e. RGB. (None that openCV usually opens images as BGR).
  • To calibrate the model you need to create a file, containing paths to calibation images, and provide a path to this file.